Krantz, Albert

, a famous historian of the fifteenth century, was a native of Hamburg, and had no sooner finished his classical studies, than he set out upon his travels, visiting several parts of Europe, during which he studiously cultivated the sciences, and became a man of general knowledge. His talents procured him the title and offices of doctor of divinity and of the canon law, and professor of philosophy and divinity in the university of Rostoch, of which also he was rector in 1482. He went from Rostoch to Hamburg, and was elected dean of the chapter in the cathedral there in 1498. He executed many important affairs for the church and city of Hamburg; and was so famed for his abilities and prudence, that, in 1500, John king of Denmark, and Frederick duke of Holstein, did not scruple to make him umpire, in a contest they had with the province of Dietmarsen. He died Dec. 7, 1517, after having written some very good works, which were afterwards published: as, 1. V Ghronica Regnorum Aquilorum, Danise, Sueciae, Norvegiae,“Argentorat. 1546, folio. 2.” Saxonia, sive de Saxonicse Gentis vetusta Origine, longinquis Expeditionibus susceptis, et Bellis Domi pro Libertate diu fortiterque gestis Historia, Libris 13 comprehensa, et ad Annum 1501 deducta,“Colon. 1520, folio. 3.” Vandalia, sive Historia de Vandalorum ver& Origine, variis Gentibus, crebris e Patria Migrationibus, Regnis item, quorum vel Autores fuerunt vel Eversores, Libris 14 a prim& eorum Origine ad A. C. 1500 deducta,“Colon. 1519, folio. 4.” Metropolis, sive Historia Ecciesiastica Saxoniae,“Basil, 1548, fol. 5.” Jnstitutiones Logicoe," Leipsic, 1517, 4to, &c. 2


Niceron, vol. XXXVIII. —Moreri.