, in general, denotes any plain surface to walk upon; and derived from arere, to be dry.

Area, in Architecture

, denotes the space or scite of ground on which an edisice stands. It is also used for inner courts, and such like portions of ground.

Area, in Geometry

, denotes the superficial content of any figure. The areas of figures are estimated in squares and parts of squares. Thus, suppose a rectangle EFGH have its length EH equal to 4 inches, or feet, or yards, &c, and its breadth EF equal to 3; its area will then be 3 times 4, or 12 squares, each side of which is respectively one inch, or foot, or yard, &c. The areas of other particular figures may be seen under their respective names.

The areas of all similar figures, are in the duplicate ratio, or as the squares of their like sides, or of any like linear dimensions.—Also the law by which the planets move round the sun, is regulated by the areas described by a line connecting the sun and planet; that is, the time in which the planet describes, or passes over, any are of its elliptic orbit, is proportional to the elliptic area described in that time by the said line, or the sector contained by the said are and two radii | drawn from its extremities to the focus in which the sun is placed.


, in Optics. See Field.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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