, is the situation of the stars and planets in respect of each other. Or, in Astrology, it denotes a certain configuration and mutual relation between the planets, arising from their situations in the zodiac, by which it is supposed that their powers are mutually either increased or diminished, as they happen to agree or disagree in their active or passive qualities. Though such eonfigurations may be varied and combined a thousand ways, yet only a few of them are considered. Hence, Wolfius more accurately defines aspect to be, the meeting of luminous rays emitted from two planets to the earth, either posited in the same right line, or including an angle which is an aliquot part, or some number of aliquot parts, of four right angles, or of 360 degrees.

The doctrine of aspects was introduced by the astrologers, as the foundation of their predictions. And hence Kepler defines aspect to be, an angle formed by the rays of two planets meeting on the earth, capable of exciting some natural power or influence.

The ancients reckoned five aspects, viz, conjunction, sextile, quartile, trine, and opposition.

Conjunction is denoted by this character , and is when the planets are in the same sign and degree, or have the same longitude.

Sextile is denoted by , and is when the planets are distant by the 6th part of a circle, or 2 signs, or 60 degrees.

Quartile is denoted by , and is when the planets are distant 1/4 of the circle, or 90 degrees, or 3 signs.

Trine is denoted by ▵, and is when the planets are distant by 1/3 of the circle, or 4 signs, or 120 degrees. And

Opposition is denoted by , and is when the planets are in opposite points of the circle, or differ by 1/2 the circle, or 6 signs, or 180 degrees of longitude.

Or their characters and distances are as in this following tablet.


These intervals are reckoned according to the longitudes of the planets; so that the aspects are the same, whether the planet be in the ecliptic or out of it.

To the five ancient aspects, modern writers have added several more: as decile, for the 10th part of a circle; tridecile, or 3/10; and biquintile, or 2/5 of a circle. And Kepler adds others, from meteorological observations, as he tells us: as the semisextile, being 1/12, or 30°; and quincunx, or 5/12, or 150°. Lastly, to the astrological physicians, &c, we owe octile, or 1/8; trioctile, or 3/8; and quintile, 1/5 of the circle.

The aspects are divided with regard to their supposed influences, into benign, malign, and indifferent. The trine and sextile aspects being esteemed benign or friendly; the quartile and opposition, malign or unfriendly; and the conjunction an indifferent aspect.

Aspects are also distinguished into partile and platic.

Partile Aspect, is when the planets are just so many degrees distant, as are expressed above. And these only are the proper aspects.

Platic Aspect, is when the planets do not regard each other exactly from these very degrees of distance; but the one exceeding as much as the other falls short. So that the one does not cast its rays immediately on the body of the other, but only on its orb or sphere of light.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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