, or Façade, in Architecture, is sometimes used for the front or outward part of a building, which immediately presents itself to the eye; or the side where the chief entrance is, or next the street, &c.


, Facia, or Fascia, also denotes a flat member, having a considerable breadth, and but a small projecture. Such are the bands of an architrave, larmier, &c.


, in Astrology, is used for the 3d part of a sign. —Each sign is supposed to be divided into three faces, of 10 degrees each: the first 10 degrees compose the first face; the next 10 degrees, the 2d face; and the last 10, the 3d face.—Venus is in the 3d face of Taurus; that is, in the last 10 degrees of it.

Faces of a Bastion, in Fortification, are the two foremost sides, reaching from the flanks to the outermost point of the bastion, where they meet, and form the saliant angle of the bastion. These are usually the first parts that are undermined, or beaten down; because they reach the farthest out, are the least flanked, and are therefore the weakest.

Face of a Place, is the extent between the outermost points of two adjacent bastions; containing the curtain, the two flanks, and the two faces of those bastions that look towards each other. This is otherwise called the Tenaille of the place.

Face Prolonged, is that part of a line of defence rasant, which is between the angle of the epaule or shoulder of a bastion and the curtain; or the line of a defence rasant diminished by the face of the bastion.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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