, or Prop, in Mechanics, is the fixed point about which a lever &c turns and moves.

FULGURATING Phosphorus, a term used by some English writers, to express a substance of the phosphorus kind. It was prepared both in a dry and liquid state, but the preparation it seems was not well known to any but the inventor of it. This matter not only shone in the dark in both states, but communicated its light to any thing it was rubbed on. When inclosed in a glass vessel well stopped, it sometimes would Fulgurate, or throw out little flashes of light, and sometimes fill the whole phial with waves of flame. It does not need recruiting its light at the fire, or in the sunshine, like the phosphorus of the Bolognian stone, but of itself continues in a state of shining for several years together, and is seen as soon as exposed in the dark; the solid or dry matter always resembling a burning coal of fire, though not consuming itself. Philos. Trans. N° 134.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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