, Harmonics, a branch or division of the ancient music; being that part which considers the differences and proportions of sounds, with respect to acute and grave; as distinguished from Rhythmica, and Metrica.

Mr. Malcolm has made a very industrious and learned enquiry into the Harmonica, or harmonic principles, of the ancients.


, the name of a musical instrument invented by Dr. Franklin, consisting of the glasses, called musical glasses.

It is said that the first hint of musical glasses is to be found in an old English book, in which a number of various amusements were described. That author directs his pupil to choose half a dozen drinking-glasses; to fill each of them with water in proportion to the gravity or acuteness of the sound which he intended it to give; and having thus adjusted them one to another, he might entertain the company with a church tune. These were perhaps the rude hints which Mr. Puckeridge, an Irish gentleman, afterwards improved, and after him, Mr. E. Delaval, an ingenious member of the Royal Society; and finally brought to perfection by the celebrated Franklin. See the history and description in his Letters, particularly in that to Beccaria.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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