, in Arithmetic and Algebra, is the raising of powers from a given root; as opposed to Evolution, which is the extracting, or developing of roots from given powers. So the Involution of the number 3, or its powers, are thus raised: 3 - or 31 or 3 is the 1st power, or root, 3 × 3 or 32 or 9 is the 2d power, or square, 3 × 3 × 3 or 33 or 27 is the 3d power, or cube, and so on.

And hence, to find any power of a given root, or quantity, let the root be multiplied by itself a number of times which is one less than the number of the index; i. e. onc<*> multiplied for the 2d root, twice for the 3d root, thrice for the 4th root, &c.

Thus, to Involve.12to the 3d power.
.0144  square, or 2d power.
.001728  cube, or 3d power.

So also, in Algebra, to Involve the binomial a + b, or raise its powers.

And in like manner for any other quantities, whatever the number of their terms may be. But compound algebraic quantities are best involved by the Binomial Theorem; which see.

Simple quantities are Involved, by raising the numeral coefficients to the given power, and the literal quantities are raised by multiplying their indices by that of the root; that is, the raising of powers is performed by the multiplication of indices, the same as the multiplication of logarithms. Thus,

The 2d power of a is a2.

The 2d power of 2a2 is 22a2 × 2 or 4a4.

The 3d power of 3a2b3 is 27a6l9.

The 3d power of a1/2b2/3 is a3/2b2.

The nth power of am cp is amncpn or (―(am cp))n.

INWARD Flanking Angle, in Fortification, is that made by the curtin and the razant flanking line of defence.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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