, in Arithmetic, denotes that part of an infinite decimal fraction, which is continually repeated ad infinitum. Thus in the numbers 2.13 13 13 &c. the figures 13 are the Repetend, and marked thus 1.3..

These Repetends chiefly arise in the reduction of vulgar fractions to decimals. Thus, 1/3 = 0.333 &c = 0.3.; and 1/6 = 01666 &c = 0.16.; and 1/7 = 0.142857 142857 &c = 0.1.42857.. Where it is to be observed, that a point is set over the figure of a single Repetend, and a point over the first and last figure when there are several that repeat.

Repetends are either single or compound.

A Single Repetend is that in which only one figure repeats; as 0.3., or 0.6., &c.

A Compound Repetend, is that in which two or more figures are repeated; as .1.3., or .2.15., or .1.42857., &c.

Similar Repetends are such as begin at the same place, and consist of the same number of figures: as .3. and .6., or 1.3.41. and 2.1.56..

Dissimilar Repetends begin at different places, and consist of an unequal number of figures.

To find the finite Value of any Repetend, or to reduce it to a Vulgar Fraction. Take the given repeating figure or figures for the numerator; and for the denominator, take as many 9's as there are recurring figures or places in the given Repetend. .

Hence it follows, that every such infinite Repetend has a certain determinate and finite value, or can be expressed by a terminate vulgar fraction. And consequently, that an infinite decimal which does not repeat or circulate, cannot be completely expressed by a finite vulgar fraction.

It may farther be observed, that if the numerator of a vulgar fraction be 1, and the denominator any prime number, except 2 and 5, the decimal which shall be equal to that vulgar fraction, will always be a Repetend, beginning at the first place of decimals; and this Repetend must necessarily be a submultiple, or an aliquot part of a number expressed by as many 9's as the Repetend has figures; that is, if the Repetend have six figures, it will be a submultiple of 999999; if four figures, a submultiple of 9999 &c. From whence it follows, that if any prime number be called p, the series 9999 &c, produced as far as is necessary, will always be divisible by p, and the quotient will be the Repetend of the decimal fraction = 1/p.

RESIDUAL Figure, in Geometry, the figure remaining after subtracting a less from a greater.

Residual Root, is a root composed of two parts or members, only connected together with the sign — or minus. Thus, ab, or 5 — 3, is a residual root; and is so called, because its true value is no more than the residue, or difference between the parts a and b, or 5 and 3, which in this case is 2.

RESIDUUM of a Charge, in Electricity, first discovered by Mr. Gralath, in Germany, in 1746, is that part of the charge that lay on the uncoated part of a Leyden phial, which does not part with all its electricity at once; so that it is afterwards gradually diffused to the coating.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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