, the name of one of the seasons of the year, being one of the quarters when the year is divided into 4 quarters, or one half when the year is divided only into two, Summer and winter. In the former case, Summer is the quarter during which, in northern climates, the sun is passing through the three signs Cancer, Leo, Virgo, or from the time of the greatest declination, till the sun come to the equinoctial again, or have no declination; which is from about the 21st of June, till about the 22d of September. In the latter case, Summer contains the 6 warmer months, while the sun is on one side of the equinoctial; and winter the other 6 months, when the sun is on the other side of it.

It is said, that a frosty winter produces a dry Summer; and a mild winter, a wet Summer. See Philos. Trans. no. 458, sect. 10.

Summer Solstice, the time or point when the sun comes to his greatest declination, and nearest the zenith of the place. See Solstice.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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