Bernard, Claude (18131878)

Bernard, Claude, a distinguished French physiologist, born at St. Julien; he studied at Paris; was Majendie's assistant and successor in the College of France; discovered that the function of the pancreas is the digestion of ingested fats, that of the liver the transformation into sugar of certain elements in the blood, and that there are nervous centres in the body which act independently of the great cerebro-spinal centre (18131878).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Bernadotte, Jean Baptiste Jules * Bernard, St.
[wait for the fun]
Berkeley, George
Berlichingen, Goetz von
Berlin Decree
Berlioz, Hector
Bernadotte, Jean Baptiste Jules
Bernard, Claude
Bernard, St.
Bernard, Simon
Bernard of Menthon
Bernard of Morlaix
Bernardin de Saint-Pierre
Bernardine, St., of Siena
Bernauer, Agnes
Berners, John Bouchier, Lord
Berners, Juliana