Blackwell, Alexander

Blackwell, Alexander, adventurer, born in Aberdeen; studied medicine; took to printing; thrown into prison for debt; was supported by his wife; on his release went to Sweden, was patronised by the king; convicted of conspiracy, and beheaded in 1747.

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Blackstone, Sir William * Blackwell, Elizabeth
[wait for the fun]
Black Sea
Black Watch
Blackie, John Stuart
Blacklock, Thomas
Blackmore, Richard Doddridge
Blackmore, Sir Richard
Blackstone, Sir William
Blackwell, Alexander
Blackwell, Elizabeth
Blackwood, Sir Henry
Blackwood, William
Blaeu, Willem Janzsoon
Blainville, Henri Marie
Blair, Hugh
Blair, Robert
Blake, Robert
Blake, William
Blanc, Charles


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Blackwell, Elizabeth