Blanche of Castile (11861252)

Blanche of Castile, wife of Louis VIII. of France and mother of St. Louis; regent of France during the minority of her son and during his absence in crusade; governed with great discretion and firmness; died of grief over the long absence of her son and his rumoured intention to stay in the Holy Land (11861252).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Blanchard, Laman * Blanchet, The Abbé
[wait for the fun]
Blainville, Henri Marie
Blair, Hugh
Blair, Robert
Blake, Robert
Blake, William
Blanc, Charles
Blanc, Jean Joseph Louis
Blanc, Mont
Blanchard, François
Blanchard, Laman
Blanche of Castile
Blanchet, The Abbé
Blandrata, Giorgio
Blanqui, Adolphe
Blanqui, Louis Auguste
Blasius, St.
Blatant Beast
Blavatsky, Mme.
Bleek, Friedrich