
Franc, a silver coin 835/1000 fine, the monetary unity of France since 1799, weighs 5 grammes and equals about 9½ d. in English currency (£1 = 25.3 francs); has been adopted by Belgium and Switzerland, while under other names a similar coin is in use in Spain (peseta), Italy (lira), and Greece (drachma).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Fragonard, Jean Honoré * France
[wait for the fun]
Fourth of July
Fowler, Sir John, K.C.M.G.
Fox, Charles James
Fox, George
Fox, William Johnson
Foxe, John
Foyers, Fall of
Fra Diavolo
Fracas`toro, Girolamo
Fragonard, Jean Honoré
Francesca, Pistro della
Francesca da Rimini
Francesco di Paula
Francia, Dr. José Gaspar Rodriguez da
Francis, St., of Assisi
Francis, St., of Sales
Francis Joseph


Links here from Chalmers

Alter, Francis Charles
Apollonius, Dyscolus
Arnauld, Anthony
Arndt, Joshua
Bacci, Andrew
Barbazan, Stephen
Baro, Peter
Barthius, Caspar
Blancard, Nicholas
Boyd, Mark Alexander
[showing first 10 entries of 37]