Garnett, Richard (17891850)

Garnett, Richard, philologist, born at Otley, Yorkshire, Keeper of the Printed Books in the British Museum, and one of the founders of the Philological Society, and contributor to its Proceedings (17891850).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Garnet, Henry * Garnett, Richard
[wait for the fun]
Gardiner, Colonel James
Gairdner, James
Gardiner, Samuel Rawson
Gardiner, Stephen
Garfield, James Abram
Garment of God, Living
Garnet, Henry
Garnett, Richard
Garnett, Richard
Garrick, David
Garrison, William Lloyd
Garter, the most noble Order of the
Garth, Sir Samuel
Gascoigne, Sir William
Gaskell, Mrs., née Stevenson
Gassendi, Pierre