Grey, Charles, 2nd Earl (17641845)

Grey, Charles, 2nd Earl, party to the impeachment of Warren Hastings; tried to impeach Pitt; denounced union with Ireland; became leader of the House of Commons in 1806; carried Act for the Abolition of the African Slave-trade; succeeded to the earldom in 1807, and denounced the Bill against Queen Caroline; becoming Prime Minister in 1830 he was defeated, and resigned twice over the Reform Bill; returning to power in 1832, with permission to make as many peers as might be needed, he succeeded at last in passing the Bill; he was head of a powerful party in the reformed Parliament, and carried the bill abolishing slavery in the Colonies, but resigned over Irish troubles in 1834 (17641845).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Grey, Charles, first Earl * Grey, Sir George
[wait for the fun]
Gretna Green
Greuze, Jean Baptiste
Grève, Place de
Greville, Charles Cavendish Fulke
Greville, Fulke
Gréville, Henry
Grévy, François, Paul Jules
Grey, Charles, first Earl
Grey, Charles, 2nd Earl
Grey, Sir George
Grey, Lady Jane
Grey Friars
Grieg, Edoard
Grierson, Sir Robert, of Lag
Griesbach, Johann Jacob
Grillparzer, Franz
Grimaldi, Joseph
Grimm, Baron