Grossmith, George (b. 1847)

Grossmith, George, actor, famous for leading parts in Gilbert and Sullivan's operas, and since as giving single-handed dramatic sketches and songs, written by himself and set to music by himself; (b. 1847).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Grose, Captain Francis * Grossmith, Weedon
[wait for the fun]
Grisi, Giulia
Grisnez, Cape
Grocyn, William
Grolier, Jean
Gros, Antoine Jean, Baron
Grose, Captain Francis
Grossmith, George
Grossmith, Weedon
Grosseteste, Robert
Grote, George
Grotefend, Georg Friedrich
Grotesque, The
Grotius, Hugo
Grouchy, Emmanuel, Marquis de
Grove, Sir George
Grove. Sir William Robert
Grub Street