Hardy, Sir Thomas Masterman, Bart. (17691839)

Hardy, Sir Thomas Masterman, Bart., a brave naval officer, whose name is associated with the closing scene of Nelson's life, born at Portisham, in Dorsetshire; as a commander in the battle of the Nile he greatly distinguished himself, and gained his post-commission to Nelson's flagship, the Vanguard; at Trafalgar he commanded the Victory, and subsequently brought Nelson's body to England; he received a baronetcy, and saw further service, eventually attaining to the rank of vice-admiral (17691839).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Hardy, Sir Thomas Duffus * Hare, Julius Charles
[wait for the fun]
Hardenberg, Friedrich von
Hardenberg Prince von
Harding, John
Harding, Stephen
Hardinge, Henry, Viscount
Hardouin, Jean
Hardy, Thomas
Hardy, Sir Thomas Duffus
Hardy, Sir Thomas Masterman, Bart.
Hare, Julius Charles
Hargraves, Edmund
Hargreaves, James
Häring, Wilhelm
Harington, Sir John
Harlaw, Battle of