Hutten, Ulrich von (14881523)

Hutten, Ulrich von, a zealous humanist and reformer, born in the castle of Steckelberg, in Hesse, of an ancient and noble family; allied himself as a scholar with Erasmus, and then with Luther as a man; entered heart and soul into the Reformation of the latter to a rupture with the former, and by his writings, which included invectives against the clergy and appeals to the nation, did much, amid many perils, to advance the cause of German emancipation from the thraldom of the Church (14881523).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Hutchinson, John * Hutton, Charles
[wait for the fun]
Hurd, Richard
Hurons, The
Huskisson, William
Huss, John
Hutcheson, Francis
Hutchinson, Anne
Hutchinson, Colonel
Hutchinson, John
Hutten, Ulrich von
Hutton, Charles
Hutton, James
Huxley, Thomas Henry
Huygens, Christian
Hyder Ali
Hydra, The Lernean