James River

James River, an important river of Virginia, U.S., formed by the junction of the Jackson and the Cowpasture, and flows in a south-easterly direction across Virginia, falling into the Atlantic at the S. end of Chesapeake Bay. It has a course of 450 m., and is navigable as far as City Point.

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

James, St. * Jameson, Anna
[wait for the fun]
James V.
James VI. of Scotland and I. of England
James II. of England and VII. of Scotland
James, Epistle of
James, G. P. R.
James, Sir Henry
James, Henry
James, Henry
James, John Angell
James, St.
James River
Jameson, Anna
Jameson, George
Jameson, Dr. Leander Starr
Jameson, Robert
James's Palace, St.
Jamieson, Dr. John
Jamyn, Amadis
Jan Mayen Land
Jane Eyre