Adlerfeldt, Gustavus
, born near Stockholm in 1671, studied with great applause in the university of Upsal, and then made the tour of Holland, England, and France. On his return Charles XII. gave him the place of a gentleman of his chamber. Adlerfeldt accompanied this prince both in his victories and his defeats, and profited by the access he had to this monarch, in the compilation of his history. It is written with all the exactitude that might be expected from an eye-witness. This Swedish officer was killed by a cannon ball at the battle of, in 1709. It is on this famous day that his memoirs conclude. A French translation of them was made by his son, and printed in 4 vols. 12mo, at Amsterdam in 1740. The continuation, giving an account of the fatal battle, was written by a Swedish officer. 2
Moreri.—Dict. Hist.—Biographie Universelle.