Akakia, Martin
, professor of medicine in the university of Paris, and created doctor in 1526, was a native of Chalons in Champagne, and according to the custom of the time, changed his name from “SansMalicc” or Harmless, to that of Akakia, a Greek word of the same import. He translated Galen “De rat ion e Curandi,” and “Ar Medica quae est ars parva.” He also published “Consilia Medica,” and two volumes on Female Diseases. He was a man of high reputation in his time, physician to Francis I. and one of the principal deputies from the university to the council of Trent, in 1545. He died in 1541. 2
Gen. Dict. —Moreri. Mangel. Biblioth. But it seems doubtful whether this Akakia, or his son, a physician who died in 1598, was the author of the two last-mentioned works.