Albani, Alexander

, an eminent virtuoso, was born at Urbino, Oct. 15, 1692, and promoted to the rank of cardinal by Innocent XIII. He died Dec. 2, 1779, aged 87, He showed great dignity in his embassy to the emperor; and displayed much learning while he held the place of | librarian of the Vatican. He had great taste and knowledge of antiquities, and became a munificent patron of learning and learned men. His house, known by the name of the Villa Albani, was decorated with valuable statues and other treasures of the fine arts. He also found leisure from his political engagements to write some historical and literary works, which are held in much esteem. In 1762, his collection of drawings, consisting of three hundred volumes, one third of which are original drawings of the first masters, the others, collections of the most capital engravings, were sold to his present majesty of Great Britain, for 14,000 crowns. 1


Ann. Register, 1762, p. 112.—Dict. Hist.orique.