Apollinaris, Caius Sulpitius
, an eminent grammarian, was born (as is said) at Carthage, and lived under the Antonines. Helvius Pertinax, who had been his scholar, was his successor in the profession of grammar, and at length became emperor. He is the supposed author of the verses prefixed to the comedies of Terence, and containing the argument of them. The lines by him written upon the order Virgil gave to burn his Æeid:
Infelix alio cecidit prope Pergamon igne,
Et pene est alio Troja cremata rogo: &c.
make us regret the loss of his other verses. Aulus Gellius, who studied under him, gives the highest idea of his learning: and adds, that he had nothing, of that pedantic arrogance, nothing of that magisterial air, which but too often makes learning so very disagreeable, and raises emotions of contempt and anger towards men, even when aiming at our instruction. 2
Aulus Gellius, Noct. Art. lib. 18. cap. 4.—Gen. Dict.