Chalmers’ Biographical Dictionary · B
- Baan, John De (1633–1702)
- Baan, Jacob De (1673–?)
- Babin, Francis (1651–1734)
- Babington, Gervase (?–1610)
- Babrias
- Babylas
- Baccalar-Y-Sanna, Don Vincent (?–1726)
- Bacchini, Bernardin (1651–1690)
- Bacchylides
- Bacci, Andrew (?–1596)
- Bach, John Sebastian (1685–1754)
- Bachaumont, Louis Petit De (?–1777)
- Bachelier, Nicholas
- Bachius, John Augustus (1721–1756)
- Bachovius, Reiner (1554–1591)
- Bachovius, Reiner
- Bacici, John Baptist Gauli (1639–1709)
- Backer, Jacob (1609–1641)
- Backer, James (1530–1560)
- Backhouse, William (1593–1610)
- Backhuysen, Ludolph (1631–?)
- Bacon, Lady Anne (1528–?)
- Bacon, Francis (1560–?)
- Bacon, John (1740–?)
- Bacon, Sir Nathaniel
- Bacon, Sir Nicholas (1510–1579)
- Bacon, Phanuel (?–1781)
- Bacon, Robert (?–1248)
- Bacon, Roger (1214–1294)
- Baconthorp, John (?–1346)
- Bacoue, Leo (1694–?)
- Bacquet, John (?–1597)
- Badcock, Samuel
- Badew, Richard De
- Badius, Josse (1462–1500)
- Badoaro, Daniel (?–1744)
- Badolocchi, Sisto (1581–?)
- Baduel, Claude (?–1561)
- Baeli, Francis (1639–?)
- Baengius, Peter (1633–1696)
- Baersius, Henry
- Bagard, Charles (1686–1772)
- Bagdedin, Mahomet
- Bage, Robert (1728–1801)
- Bagford, John (1675–1716)
- Bagger, John (1646–1693)
- Baglioni, Giovanni (1573–?)
- Baglivi, George (1669–1707)
- Bagnoli, Julius Cesar
- Bagot, Lewis (1740–?)
- Bagshaw, Edward (1604–1662)
- Bagshaw, Edward (1629–1671)
- Bagshaw, Henry (1632–1709)
- Bagshaw, William (1627–?)
- Bahier, John (1659–?)
- Bahrdt, Charles Frederick (1741–?)
- Baier, John James (1677–1735)
- Baif
- Bail, Lewis
- Bailey, Nathan
- Bailies
- Baillet, Adrian (1649–?)
- Bailli, Roche De (?–1605)
- Baillie, Robert (1599–1662)
- Baillou, William (1538–1616)
- Bailly, John Sylvanus (1736–?)
- Bailzie, William
- Bainbridge, John (1582–1643)
- Baius, Michael (1513–1605)
- Baker, David (1575–1641)
- Baker, Sir George (1722–1743)
- Baker, Henry (1698–1762)
- Baker, Sir John (?–1558)
- Baker, Sir Richard (1568–1645)
- Baker, Thomas (1625–1690)
- Baker, Thomas (1656–?)
- Baker, William (1742–?)
- Bakewell, Robert (1725–1760)
- Balamio, Ferdinand
- Balantyn
- Balbi, John (?–1535)
- Balbuena, Bernard De (?–1627)
- Balde, James (1603–1663)
- Balderic (?–1131)
- Baldi, Bernard (1553–1617)
- Baldi De Ubaldus (?–1400)
- Baldinger, Ernest Gottfried (1738–1804)
- Baldini, John Anthony (1654–1725)
- Baldini, John Francis (1677–1765)
- Baldinucci, Philip (1624–1696)
- Baldo
- Baldovini, Francis (1654–1716)
- Baldock, Ralph De (?–1313)
- Balducci, Francis (?–1645)
- Baldwin (?–1184)
- Baldwin, William (1532–?)
- Bale, John (1495–1563)
- Balechou, Nicholas (1719–?)
- Balen, Hendrick Van (1611–1672)
- Bales, Peter (1547–1610)
- Baley, Walter (1529–1592)
- Balguy, John (1686–1696)
- Balguy, Thomas (1716–1795)
- Baliol, John De (?–1266)
- Ball, John (1585–1640)
- Ballanden
- Ballard, George (?–1755)
- Ballerini, Peter And Jerom (1698–1769)
- Ballexserd, N. James (1726–1774)
- Ballin, Claude (1615–1678)
- Ballyet, Emmanuel (1700–1773)
- Balnaves, Henry (?–1579)
- Balsamon, Theodore (?–1203)
- Balsham, Hugh De (?–1286)
- Balthasar, Christopher (1588–1670)
- Balthazarini, Surnamed Beaujoyeux
- Baltus, John Francis (1667–?)
- Baluze, Stephen (1631–?)
- Balzac, John Lewis Guez Dr (?–1629)
- Bamboccio (1613–1640)
- Bambridge, Christopher (1463–1514)
- Banchi, Seraphim
- Banck, Lawrence (?–1662)
- Bancroft, Richard (1544–1610)
- Bancroft, John (1592–1640)
- Bandello, Matthew (?–1506)
- Bandinelli, Baccio (1487–1559)
- Banduri, Anselm
- Bangius, Thomas (1600–1661)
- Banier, Anthony (1673–1741)
- Banister, John
- Banister, John
- Bankes, Sir John
- Banks, John (1709–?)
- Banks, John
- Banks, Thomas (1735–1807)
- Baptist, John (1635–1691)
- Baradæus
- Baranzano, Redemptus (1590–1622)
- Barathier, Bartholomew
- Baratier, John Philip (1721–1740)
- Barba, Alvarez Alonzo
- Barbadillo, Alphonsus Jerom De Salas (1630–?)
- Barbarelli
- Barbaro, Francis
- Barbarus, Hermolaus (1454–1493)
- Barbarus, Daniel (?–1557)
- Barbazan, Stephen (1696–1770)
- Barbeau De Labruyere, John Lewis (1710–?)
- Barberini
- Barberino, Francis (1264–1348)
- Barbeu Du Bourg, James (1709–1779)
- Barbeyrac, Charles (1649–1699)
- Barbeyrac, John (1674–1744)
- Barbier D'Aucour, John (?–1694)
- Barbier, Mary Anne (?–1745)
- Barbieri
- Barbosa, Arius (?–1540)
- Barbosa, Emanuel
- Barbosa, Augustin
- Barbour, John (1316–1396)
- Barcham
- Barchausen, John Conrad (1666–?)
- Barclay, Alexander
- Barclay, William (1541–1606)
- Barclay, John (1582–1606)
- Barclay, Robert (1648–1690)
- Barcochebas
- Barcos, Martin De (?–1678)
- Barde, John De La (?–1692)
- Bardesanes
- Bardin, John (1732–1809)
- Bardin, Peter (1590–?)
- Bardwell, Thomas (?–1773)
- Baretti, Joseph (1716–?)
- Barford, William
- Bargrave, Isaac (1586–1643)
- Baring, Daniel Eberhard (1690–1753)
- Barker, Robert (?–1806)
- Barker, Thomas (?–1809)
- Barkham, John (1572–1642)
- Barksdale, Clement (1609–?)
- Barlaam (?–1348)
- Barlæus, Gaspard (1584–?)
- Barlæus, Lambert (1595–?)
- Barland, Adrian (1488–1542)
- Barlow, Thomas (1607–1694)
- Barlow, William (?–1613)
- Barlowe, William (?–1568)
- Barlowe, William (1560–1625)
- Barnabas, Joses
- Barnard, John (1630–1683)
- Barnard, Sir John (1685–1749)
- Barnave, Ant. Pierre Joseph Marie (1761–1793)
- Barnes, John
- Barnes, Joshua (1654–1721)
- Barnes, Robert
- Barnes, Thomas (1747–1810)
- Barneveldt, John D'Olden (1547–?)
- Baro, Peter (?–1600)
- Baro, Bonaventure
- Barocci, Francis
- Baroccio, Frederic (1528–1612)
- Baron, Bernard (?–1762)
- Baron, Bonaventure.
- Baron, Hyacinth Theodore (?–1787)
- Baron, Michael (1652–1729)
- Baron, Richard (1740–1768)
- Baron, Vincent (1622–1674)
- Baronius, Cæsar (1538–?)
- Barozzi
- Barradas, Sebastian (1542–1615)
- Barral, Abbe Peter (1772–?)
- Barre, Francis Poullain De La (1647–1723)
- Barre, Lewis Francis Joseph De La (1688–?)
- Barre, Joseph (1692–1764)
- Barreaux
- Barrelier, James (1606–1673)
- Barrere, Peter (?–1755)
- Barret, George (1728–1734)
- Barret, John
- Barret, Stephen (1713–1801)
- Barrington, John Shute (1678–1734)
- Barrington, The Hon. Daines (1727–?)
- Barrington, Hon. Samuel (1729–1800)
- Barros, John (1496–1570)
- Barrow, Isaac (1613–1680)
- Barrow, Isaac (1630–?)
- Barry, George
- Barry, Girald (1146–?)
- Barry, James (?–1672)
- Barry, James (1741–?)
- Bartas, William De Salluste Du (1544–1590)
- Barth, John (1651–1702)
- Barthelemi, John James (1716–?)
- Barthes De Marmorions, Paul Joseph (1734–1806)
- Barthius, Caspar (1587–1597)
- Bartholine, Caspar (1585–?)
- Bartholine, Thomas (1616–1647)
- Bartholine, Thomas (?–1690)
- Bartholine, Erasmus
- Bartholomew Of The Martyrs (1514–1590)
- Bartoli, Daniel (1608–1685)
- Bartolo (1313–?)
- Bartolocci, Julius (1613–?)
- Barton, Elizabeth
- Barwick, John (1612–?)
- Barwick, Peter (1619–?)
- Basedow, John Bernard (1723–1790)
- Basil, St. (?–1725)
- Basil
- Basilides (?–130)
- Basin (1421–1457)
- Basier, Isaac (1607–1676)
- Basinge, John (?–1252)
- Basire, James (1730–1802)
- Baskerville, Sir Simon (1573–1641)
- Baskerville, John (1706–1779)
- Basnage, Benjamin (1580–1652)
- Basnage, Anthony (1610–1691)
- Basnage, Henry (1615–1695)
- Basnage, James (1653–?)
- Basnage, Henry (1659–1710)
- Bassano
- Bassantin, James
- Basset, Fulk (?–1259)
- Basset, Peter
- Basseville, N. I. Hugon De
- Bassi
- Bassi, Laura Maria Catherina (1712–1778)
- Bassianus
- Bassius, Henry (1690–?)
- Bassol, John (?–1347)
- Bassompierre, François De (1579–?)
- Basta, George (?–1607)
- Bastard, Thomas (1588–1618)
- Bastide, John Francis De La (1724–?)
- Baston, Robert (?–1310)
- Bastwick, Dr. John (1595–?)
- Bate, George (?–1668)
- Bate, John (?–1429)
- Bate, Julius (1711–1736)
- Bate, James (1703–1775)
- Batecumbe, William
- Bateman, William (?–1354)
- Bates, William (1625–1699)
- Bathe, Henry De
- Bathe, William (1564–1614)
- Bathelier, James Le
- Bathurst, Allen (1684–1775)
- Bathurst, Ralph (1620–1659)
- Batman, Stephen (?–1587)
- Batmanson, John (?–1531)
- Batoni, Pompeo (1708–?)
- Batsch, Augustus John George Charles (?–1802)
- Battaglini, Mark (1645–?)
- Battely, Dr. John (1647–1708)
- Batteux, Charles (1713–1780)
- Battie, William (1704–1764)
- Battifera
- Battishill, Jonathan (1738–1801)
- Baty, Richard (?–1758)
- Baudart, William (1565–1640)
- Baudelot, Charles Cæsar (1648–?)
- Bauderon, Brice (1623–?)
- Baudier, Michael
- Baudius, Dominic (1561–1613)
- Baudot De Juilli, Nicholas (1678–?)
- Baudouin, Benedict
- Baudouin, Francis (1520–1573)
- Baudouin, John (1590–1650)
- Baudrand, Michael Anthony (1633–?)
- Bauhin, John (1511–1582)
- Bauhin, John (1541–1613)
- Bauhin, Gaspard (?–1624)
- Bauldri, Paul (1639–1706)
- Baulot, James (1651–1720)
- Beaume', Antony (1728–1805)
- Baume, James Francis De La (1705–1757)
- Baumgarten, Alexander Theophilus (1714–1757)
- Baune, James De La (1649–1725)
- Baur, John William (1610–?)
- Bausch, John Laurence (1605–1665)
- Baxter, Andrew (1686–?)
- Baxter, Richard (1615–?)
- Baxter, William (1650–1723)
- Bayard, Peter Du Terrail, Chevalier De (1476–?)
- Bayer, John
- Bayer, Theophilus Siegfrid (1694–?)
- Bayf, John Anthony De La Neuville (1532–1592)
- Bayf, Lazarus De (?–1545)
- Bayle, Francis
- Bayle, Peter (1647–1706)
- Baylis, William (?–1787)
- Bayly, Lewis (?–1632)
- Bayly, John (1595–?)
- Bayly, Thomas (?–1604)
- Bayly, Walter
- Baynard, Anne (1672–?)
- Baynes, John (1758–?)
- Baynes, Paul (?–1617)
- Baynes, Ralph (?–1559)
- Baynes, Sir Thomas (1622–1681)
- Bayro, Peter De (1478–1558)
- Bazin, N. (?–1754)
- Be, William Le (1525–?)
- Beach, Thomas (?–1737)
- Beacon, Thomas (?–1570)
- Beale, Mary (1632–1697)
- Beale, Robert
- Bearcroft, Philip (1697–?)
- Beard, John (1717–1791)
- Beaton, David (1494–1546)
- Beaton, James
- Beaton, James (?–1603)
- Beattie, James (1735–1742)
- Beatus
- Beau, Charles Le (1701–1778)
- Beau, John Lewis Le (1721–?)
- Beau, John Baptiste Le (1619–1670)
- Beaucaire De Peguilon, Francis (1514–?)
- Beauchamps, Joseph (1752–1801)
- Beauchamps, Pierre François Godard De (1689–1761)
- Beauchateau, François Matthieu Chatelet De (1645–?)
- Beaver, John
- Beaufils, William (1674–1758)
- Beaufort, Henry (?–1447)
- Beaufort, Margaret (1441–1504)
- Beaulieu De Pontault
- Beaumarchais, Peter Augustin Caron De (1732–?)
- Beaumelle, Laurence Angliviel De La (1727–1773)
- Beaumont, Sir John (1582–1628)
- Beaumont, Francis (1586–1624)
- Beaumont, Joseph (1615–?)
- Beaumont De Perefix
- Beaune, Florimond De (1601–1652)
- Beaurain, John De (1697–1771)
- Beurieu, Gaspard Guillard De (1728–1795)
- Beausobre, Isaac (1659–1753)
- Beausobre, Lewis (1730–?)
- Beauvais, Vincent Of
- Beauzee, Nicholas (1717–1789)
- Bebele, Balthazar (1632–?)
- Bebele, Henry (?–1514)
- Becan, Martin (1583–?)
- Becanus, John.
- Beccadelli, Antony (1394–1471)
- Beccadelli, Lewis (1502–?)
- Beccafumi
- Beccaria, Bonesana Mauquis Cæsar (1735–1793)
- Beccaria, James Bartholomew (1682–?)
- Beccaria, John Baptist (1781–?)
- Becher, John Joachim (1645–1685)
- Becker, Daniel (1627–1673)
- Becket, Thomas (1119–1200)
- Beckingham, Charles (1699–1730)
- Beckington, Thomas (?–1464)
- Beckwith, Thomas (?–1786)
- Becquet, Anthony (1654–1730)
- Bectoz, Claude De (?–1547)
- Beda (672–?)
- Beda, Noel
- Beddoes, Thomas (1760–?)
- Bedell, William (1570–?)
- Bederic, Henry
- Bedford, Arthur (1668–?)
- Bedford, Hilkiah (1663–1724)
- Bedford, Thomas
- Bedloe, Capt. William (?–1680)
- Bedraschi
- Beek
- Bega, Cornelius (1620–1664)
- Beger, Lawrence (1653–?)
- Begon, Michael (1638–?)
- Beguillet, Edmund (?–1786)
- Beham, Hans
- Behem, Martin (?–1506)
- Behmen
- Behn, Aphara
- Behrens, Conrad Bertold (1660–1736)
- Beidhavi (685–?)
- Beier, Adrian (1634–1712)
- Bejerlinck
- Beisch, Joachim Francis (1665–1748)
- Beithar
- Bek, Anthony (?–1310)
- Bek, David (1621–?)
- Beka, John De
- Bekinsau, John (1520–?)
- Bekker, Balthasar (1634–?)
- Bel, John James (1693–1738)
- Bel, Matthias (1684–1756)
- Belcarius
- Belchier, John (1706–1785)
- Belgrado, James (1704–1789)
- Belgrave, Richard
- Belidor, Bernard Forest De (1697–1761)
- Beling, Richard (1613–1677)
- Belius
- Bell, Beaupre (?–1577)
- Bell, William
- Bella, Stefano De La (1610–?)
- Bellamy, Thomas (1745–?)
- Bellarmin, Robert (1542–1621)
- Bellay, Joachim Du (1524–?)
- Bellay, John Du (1492–1560)
- Bellay, Martin Du (?–1559)
- Bellay, William Du (?–1543)
- Belleau, Remi (1528–1577)
- Belleforest, Francis De (1530–1583)
- Bellegarde, Jean Baptiste Morvan De (1648–?)
- Bellenden, Sir (?–1550)
- Bellenden, William (1602–?)
- Bellenger, Francis (1749–?)
- Bellet, Charles (1771–?)
- Bellin, Nicholas (1703–1772)
- Bellini, Gentile (1421–1501)
- Bellini, Giovanni (1422–1512)
- Bellini, Laurence (1643–1703)
- Bellocq, Peter (1645–1704)
- Belloi, Peter (?–1605)
- Belloi, Peter Lawrence Buyrette Du (1727–?)
- Bellori, John Peter (1616–1696)
- Belloste, Augustine (1654–?)
- Belmeis, Richard De (?–1127)
- Belmeis, Richard De (?–1162)
- Belmeys, John
- Belon, Peter (1518–?)
- Belsunce, Henry Francis Xavier De (?–1755)
- Bembo, Pietro (1470–1547)
- Bemmel, Charles Sebastian (1745–1796)
- Bemmel, William Van (1630–1723)
- Benavidio, Mark (1489–1582)
- Benbow, John (1650–1729)
- Benci, Francis (1542–1594)
- Bencivenni, Joseph (1728–1808)
- Bencius, Hugo (?–1448)
- Bender, Blaise Colomban, Baron De (1713–1798)
- Bendlowes, Edward (1613–1686)
- Benedetto
- Benedict, St. (480–543)
- Benedict (?–1193)
- Benedict, Biscop
- Benedict Xi., Pope (?–1303)
- Benedict Xii., Pope (?–1336)
- Benedict Xiii., Pope
- Benedict Xiv., Pope (1675–1758)
- Benedict, Rene' (?–1608)
- Benedictus, Alexander (1495–1511)
- Benedictus, Peter (1663–1742)
- Benefield, Sebastian (1559–1630)
- Benevoli, Anthony (1685–1756)
- Benezet, Anthony (?–1784)
- Bengel, John Albert (1687–?)
- Beni, Paul (1553–?)
- Benjamin Of Tudela (1170–1173)
- Benignus, St. (?–468)
- Benivieni, Jerome (1453–1542)
- Benn, William (1600–1680)
- Bennet, Benjamin (1674–?)
- Bennet, Christopher (?–1655)
- Bennet, Henry (1618–?)
- Bennet, Sir John (?–1627)
- Bennet, Robert, B. D. (?–1687)
- Bennet, Dr. Thomas (1673–?)
- Benning, John Bodecher (1606–1642)
- Bennon
- Benoit, Elias (1640–1728)
- Benozzo Gozzoli
- Benserade, Isaac De (1612–?)
- Benson, George (1699–?)
- Benson, William (1682–1754)
- Bentham, Edward (1707–1803)
- Bentham, James (?–1778)
- Bentham, Thomas (1513–1578)
- Bentinck, William (?–1762)
- Bentinck, William Henry Cavendish (1738–1809)
- Bentivoglio, Hercules (1506–?)
- Bentivoglio, Guy (1579–1644)
- Bentivoglio, Hyppolitus (?–1685)
- Bentivoglio, Cornelius (1668–1711)
- Bentley, Richard (1661–?)
- Bentley, Richard (?–1782)
- Benvenuti, Charles (1716–1789)
- Benvenuti, Joseph (1728–?)
- Benyowsky, Count Mauritius Augustus De (1741–?)
- Benzel De Sternau, Anselm Francis De (1738–1782)
- Benzelius, Eric (1642–1709)
- Benzelius, Eric (1675–1743)
- Benzelius, Henry (1689–1758)
- Benzoni, Jerom (1519–?)
- Beolco, Angelo (1502–1542)
- Berardier De Bataut, Francis Joseph (1720–1794)
- Beraud, Laurence (1703–1777)
- Berauld, Nicholas (1475–1550)
- Berault-Bercastel, Anthony Henry (1700–1785)
- Berault, Michael (1563–1705)
- Berchem, Nicolas (1624–1683)
- Berchet, Peter (1659–1720)
- Berchorius, Peter (1300–1362)
- Berckringer, Daniel (?–1667)
- Beregani, Nicholas, Count (1627–1713)
- Berengarius, James (1490–1550)
- Berengarius (1000–1088)
- Berenger De La Tour (?–1559)
- Berenger, John Peter (1740–1807)
- Berenger, Richard (?–1782)
- Berenicius
- Beretin
- Berg, John Peter (1737–?)
- Bergalli, Charles (1650–?)
- Bergalli, Louisa (1703–?)
- Bergamo
- Bergantini, Jonn Peter (1685–?)
- Bergellanus, John Arnold
- Bergen, Charles Augustus De (1704–?)
- Berger, John Henry De (1657–1732)
- Berger, John William (?–1751)
- Berger, Theodore (1683–1773)
- Bergerac, Savinien Cyrano De (1620–1655)
- Berghem, Nicolas.
- Bergier, Nicolas (1567–?)
- Bergier, Nicolas Sylvester (1718–1790)
- Bergius, John Henry Louis (1718–1781)
- Bergius, Peter Jonas (?–1791)
- Bergius, Bengts (1725–1784)
- Bergler, Stephen (1702–1746)
- Bergman, Sir Torbern (1735–1784)
- Bergomasco
- Berigard, Claude Guillermet, Slgnor De (1578–1663)
- Bering, Vitus (1627–1675)
- Berkeley, George (1684–1787)
- Berkeley, George, Ll.D. Prebendary Of Canterbury (1733–1795)
- Berkeley, George Earl Of (?–1698)
- Berkeley, Sir Robert (1584–1656)
- Berkeley, Sir William
- Berkenhout, Dr. John (?–1791)
- Bernard, St. (1091–1153)
- Bernard Of Menthon (923–1008)
- Bernard, Andrew
- Bernard, Catharine
- Bernard, Charles (1571–1640)
- Bernard, Claude (1588–1641)
- Bernard, Edward (1638–1648)
- Bernard, Sir Francis (?–1779)
- Bernard, Dr. Francis (?–1697)
- Bernard, James (1658–?)
- Bernard, John Stephen (1718–1790)
- Bernard, John Frederic (?–1752)
- Bernard, Nicholas
- Bernard, Peter Joseph (1710–1775)
- Bernard, Richard (?–1641)
- Bernard, Richard
- Bernard, Samuel (1651–1739)
- Bernardi Del Castel Bolognese, John (1495–1555)
- Bernardi, John (1657–1736)
- Bernardine (1380–1450)
- Bernardoni, Peter Antony (1672–1714)
- Bernazzano
- Bernegger, Matthias (1582–1640)
- Berners, Juliana
- Berni, Francis (?–1535)
- Berni, Count Francis (1610–1673)
- Bernier, Francis (?–1688)
- Bernier, John (1622–1698)
- Bernier, Nicholas (1664–1734)
- Bernini, John Laurence (?–1680)
- Bernis, Francis Joachim De Pierres (1715–1794)
- Bernoulli
- Bernoulli, James (1654–?)
- Bernoulli, John (1667–?)
- Bernoulli, Daniel (1700–1782)
- Bernoulli, John (1744–1807)
- Bernstorf, John Hartwig Ernest, Count (1712–1797)
- Beroald, Matthew (?–1576)
- Beroalde De Verville, Francis (1558–1612)
- Beroaldo, Philip (1453–?)
- Beroaldo, Philip (1472–?)
- Beroldingen, Francis De (?–1798)
- Berosus
- Berquin, Arnaud (1749–?)
- Berquin, Lewis De
- Berretini, Pietro (1596–1669)
- Berriman, William (1688–?)
- Berruguete, Alonzo (?–1545)
- Berruyer, Joseph Isaac (1681–1758)
- Berry, Sir John (1635–?)
- Berry, William (1730–1783)
- Berryat, John (?–1754)
- Bersmann, Gregory (1538–1611)
- Bertaut, John (1522–1611)
- Bertel, John (1576–1607)
- Berthauld, Peter (1600–1681)
- Bertheau, Charles (1660–1732)
- Berthet, John (1622–1692)
- Berthier, William Francis (1704–?)
- Bertholet Flemael
- Bertholon, De St. Lazare (?–1799)
- Berthoud, Ferdinand (1727–?)
- Berti, Alexander Pompey (1686–1752)
- Berti, John Lawrence (1696–?)
- Bertie, Robert (1582–?)
- Abingdon, Willoughby Bertie (1740–1799)
- Bertier, Joseph Stephen (1710–1783)
- Bertin, Anthony (1752–?)
- Bertin, Exuperius Joseph (1712–?)
- Bertin, Nicholas (1664–1736)
- Bertini, Anthony Francis (1658–1744)
- Bertius, Peter (1565–1629)
- Bertoli, John Dominick (1676–1700)
- Berton, William
- Bertoux, William (1723–?)
- Bertram
- Bertram, Cornelius Bonaventure (1531–1594)
- Bertram, Philip-Ernest (1726–1777)
- Bertrand, Elias (1712–?)
- Bertrand, John Baptist (1670–?)
- Bertrandi, John Ambrose Maria (1723–1765)
- Berulle, Peter (1575–?)
- Beryllus
- Besiers, Michael (1782–?)
- Besler, Basil (1561–1629)
- Besler, Michael Robert (1601–1661)
- Besly, John (1572–1644)
- Besoigne, Jerome (1636–?)
- Besold, Christopher (1577–1638)
- Besplas, Joseph Mary Anne Gros De (1734–1783)
- Bessarion, John (?–1472)
- Bessel, Godfrey De (1672–1749)
- Beston, John (?–1428)
- Betham, Edward, B. D. (?–1783)
- Bethune
- Betterton, Thomas (1635–1710)
- Betti, Zachary (1732–1788)
- Bettinelli, Saverio (1718–?)
- Bettini, Mario (1582–1637)
- Betts, John (1642–?)
- Betuleius, Sixtus (1500–1554)
- Betussi, Joseph (?–1565)
- Bever, Thomas (1725–1791)
- Beveridge, William (1636–1707)
- Beverland, Adrian (1653–?)
- Beverly, John Of (?–687)
- Beverini, Bartholomew (1629–?)
- Beverwick, John De (1594–1647)
- Bevin, Elway
- Beuf
- Beughem, Cornelius De
- Beulanius
- Beulanius, Samuel
- Beumler, Mark (1555–1611)
- Beuther, Michael (1522–?)
- Bexon, Gabriel-Leopold-Charles-Ame' (1748–1784)
- Beyer, Augustus (1707–1741)
- Beyer, George (1665–1714)
- Beyerlinck, Laurence (1578–1627)
- Beyma, Julius (1546–1598)
- Beys, Charles (1610–1659)
- Beys, Giles (?–1593)
- Beza, Theodore (1519–1605)
- Bezout, Stephen (1730–1783)
- Biacca, Francis Maria (1673–?)
- Bianchi, Anthony
- Bianchi, Francis Ferrari (?–1510)
- Bianchi, John (1693–1775)
- Bianchi, John Antony (?–1758)
- Bianchi, John Baptist (1681–?)
- Bianchi, Mark Anthony (1498–?)
- Bianchi, Vendramino
- Bianchini, Bartholomew
- Bianchini, Francis (1662–1729)
- Bianchini, Joseph (1704–?)
- Bianchini, John Fortunatus (?–1779)
- Bianchini, Joseph Maria (1685–1749)
- Biancolini, John Baptist Joseph (1697–1780)
- Bianconi, John Lewis (1717–?)
- Bias (570–?)
- Bibbiena, Cardinal
- Bibbiena, Ferdinand Galli (1657–1743)
- Bibliander, Theodore (1500–1564)
- Bichat, Maria-Francis-Xavier (1771–1795)
- Biddle, John (1615–1658)
- Bidermann, John Theophilus (1705–1772)
- Bidloo, Godfrey (1649–1702)
- Bie, Adrian De (1594–?)
- Biel, Gabriel (1477–?)
- Biel, John Christian (1687–1745)
- Bielfeld, James Frederick Baron De (1717–1770)
- Bienne, John (?–1588)
- Bierkander, Claude (1735–1795)
- Bifield
- Bigland, Ralph (1711–1784)
- Bigne, Gace De La (1428–?)
- Bigne, Marguerin De La (1546–?)
- Bignicourt, Simon De (1709–1775)
- Bignon, Jerome (1589–1645)
- Bigot, Emeric (1626–1689)
- Bilfinger, George Bernard (1693–?)
- Bilguer, John Ulric De (1720–1796)
- Billaut, Adam (?–1662)
- Billberg, John (?–1717)
- Billi, James De (1535–1581)
- Billi, Jacques De (1602–1679)
- Billingsley, Sir Henry
- Bilson, Thomas (1536–?)
- Bingham, Joseph (1668–1755)
- Bingham, Joseph
- Bingham, George (?–1800)
- Bini, Severin (1641–?)
- Binning, Hugh (1627–?)
- Bjoernstahl, James Jonas (1731–?)
- Bion
- Bion
- Biondi, John Francis (1572–1644)
- Biondo
- Birago, Francis (1562–?)
- Birague, Clement
- Birague, Flaminio De
- Birch, Thomas (1705–?)
- Birchington, Stephen (?–1407)
- Birckbek, Simon (1600–1656)
- Bird, William (?–1585)
- Biringuccio, Vanucci
- Birinus, St.
- Birkenhead, Sir John (1615–1679)
- Birkhead, Henry (1617–?)
- Biscioni, Anthony Maria (1674–?)
- Biscoe, Richard
- Bishop, Samuel
- Bishop, William (1553–1624)
- Bissat, Patrick (?–156)
- Bisse, Thomas (?–1731)
- Bisset, Charles (1717–?)
- Bitaube', Paul Jeremiah (1732–?)
- Bito
- Black, Joseph (1728–?)
- Blackall, Offspring, D. D. (1654–1716)
- Blackbourne, John (1683–1741)
- Blackburn, William (1750–?)
- Blackburne, Francis (1705–1799)
- Blackburne, John (?–1786)
- Blacklock, Thomas (1721–?)
- Blackmore, Sir Richard (?–1729)
- Blackstone, Sir William (1723–1778)
- Blackwall, Anthony (1674–1763)
- Blackwell, Elizabeth
- Blackwell, Thomas (1701–1728)
- Blackwell, George (1562–?)
- Blackwood, Adam (1539–1623)
- Blackwood, Henry (1526–?)
- Bladen, Martin
- Blaeu, William (1571–1638)
- Blagrave, John (?–1611)
- Blagrave, Joseph (1610–1679)
- Blair, Hugh (1718–?)
- Blair, James, M. A.
- Blair, John
- Blair, John
- Blair, Patrick (?–1706)
- Blair, Robert (1699–1811)
- Blake, John Bradley (1745–?)
- Blake, Robert (1599–?)
- Blake, Thomas (1597–1657)
- Blanc
- Blancard, Nicholas (1625–1703)
- Blancard, Stephen
- Blanchard, James (1600–?)
- Blanchet, Francis (1707–1781)
- Blanchet, Thomas (1617–1689)
- Bland, Elizabeth
- Blandrata, George
- Blankenburg, Christian Frederic De (1744–1796)
- Blankof, John Teunisz (1628–1670)
- Blase (?–283)
- Blayney, Benjamin
- Blegny, Nicholas (?–1722)
- Bless, Henry (1480–1550)
- Bleterie, John Philip Rene De La (1696–1772)
- Bloch, Mark Eliezer (1723–1799)
- Block, George Castaneus (1717–1773)
- Block, Joanna Koerten (1650–1715)
- Bloemart, Abraham (1564–1647)
- Bloemart, Cornelius (1603–?)
- Blond, Christopher Le
- Blondel, David (1591–1655)
- Blondel, Francis (1617–1686)
- Blondel, James Francis (1705–1774)
- Blondel, Laurence (1671–1740)
- Blondel, James Augustus (1727–?)
- Blondus
- Blood, Thomas (?–1680)
- Bloot, Peter (?–1667)
- Blount, Charles (1654–1693)
- Blount, Sir Henry (1602–1682)
- Blount, John
- Blount, Sir Thomas Pope (1649–?)
- Blount, Thomas (1618–1679)
- Blow, John (1648–1695)
- Blum, Joachim Christian (1739–1790)
- Bluteau, Dom Raphael (1638–1734)
- Boadicea
- Boate, Dr. Gerard (?–1649)
- Bobart, Jacob (?–1679)
- Boccaccio, John (1313–1375)
- Boccaccino, Boccaccio (1511–1546)
- Boccage, Mary-Anne Le Page, Du (1710–1802)
- Boccalini, Trajan (1556–?)
- Boccherini, Lewis (1740–1806)
- Bocchi, Achilles (1488–1562)
- Bocchi, Francis (1548–1618)
- Bocciardi, Clemente (1620–?)
- Boccone, Paolo (1633–?)
- Boch, John (1555–1609)
- Bochart, Samuel (1599–?)
- Bochart De Saron, John Baptist Gaspard
- Bochius
- Bock, Frederic Samuel (1716–1786)
- Bock, Jerome
- Bockhorst, John Van (1610–1724)
- Bocquillot, Lazarus Andrew (1649–?)
- Bode, Christopher Augustus (1722–?)
- Bode, John Joachim Christopher (1730–1793)
- Bodenstein
- Bodin, John (1530–1596)
- Bodley, Sir Thomas (1544–1580)
- Bodley, Laurence (1546–?)
- Bodley, Sir Josias
- Bodmer, John James (1693–1783)
- Boecler, John Henry (1611–1692)
- Boehm, Anthony William (1673–1679)
- Boehm, Andrew (1720–1790)
- Bœhmen, Jacob (1575–?)
- Boehmer, George Ralph (1723–1803)
- Boehmer, Justin Henning (1674–1736)
- Boerhaave, Herman (1668–?)
- Boerhaave, Abraham Kaan (1715–1753)
- Boerner, Christian Frederick (1685–1761)
- Boethie, Stephen De La (1530–1563)
- Boethius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus (480–524)
- Boethius, Hector (1470–?)
- Boffrand, Germain (1667–1754)
- Bogan, Zachary
- Bogden, Martin (1630–?)
- Bohadin (1145–?)
- Bohn, John (1640–1718)
- Bohun, Edmund (?–1700)
- Boiardo, Matteo-Maria (1434–1494)
- Boileau, Nicholas Despreaux (1636–?)
- Boileau, James (1635–1716)
- Boileau, Gilles (1631–?)
- Boileau, John James (?–1735)
- Boindin, Nicholas (1676–?)
- Bois, Gerard Du (1629–1696)
- Bois
- Boisrobert, François Metel De (1592–1662)
- Boissard, John James (1528–?)
- Boissi, Louis De (1694–?)
- Boivin, Francis De
- Boivin, John (?–1726)
- Boivin, Louis (?–1724)
- Bold, John (1679–1751)
- Bolen, Anne (1507–1524)
- Bollandus, John (1596–1629)
- Bollioud-Mermet, Louis (1709–1793)
- Bolognese
- Bolsec, Jerome
- Bolswert, Boetius Adam A`
- Bolswert, Scheltius A`
- Bolton, Edmund
- Bolton, Robert (1572–?)
- Bolton, Robert (1697–?)
- Bolzanio, Urbano Valeriano (1440–?)
- Bomberg, Daniel (?–1549)
- Bona, John (1609–1674)
- Bonamy, Peter-Nicholas (1694–1770)
- Bonanni, Philip (?–1725)
- Bonarelli, Guy Ubaldo (1563–1608)
- Bonasone, Julius
- Bonaventure, John Fidauza (1221–1274)
- Bonaventure Of Padua (1332–?)
- Bonaventure
- Bonciarius, Mark Anthony (1555–1616)
- Bond, John (1550–1612)
- Bond, John (?–1676)
- Bond, William
- Bonefacio (?–1553)
- Bonefonius
- Bonet, Theophilus (1620–?)
- Bonfadio, James
- Bonfinius, Anthony
- Bonfrerius, James (1573–1643)
- Bongars, James (1554–1612)
- Boniface, St. (680–?)
- Bonifacio, Balthasar (1584–?)
- Bonifacio, John (1547–1635)
- Bonjour, William (1670–1714)
- Bonnefons, John (1554–1614)
- Bonnell, James (1653–1664)
- Bonner, Edmund (?–1547)
- Bonnet, Charles (1720–?)
- Bonneval, Claudius Alexander De (1672–1755)
- Bonone, Carlo (?–1632)
- Bonosus (?–384)
- Bontempi, Angelini
- Bontems, Madame (1718–1768)
- Bontius, Gerard (1599–?)
- Bontius, James (?–1623)
- Bonwicke, Ambrose
- Booker, John (1601–1667)
- Boonen, Arnold (1669–1729)
- Boot, Gerard (1604–1653)
- Boorde
- Booth, Abraham (1734–?)
- Booth, Barton (1681–1710)
- Booth, George (?–1717)
- Booth, Henry (1651–1758)
- Boquine, Peter (?–1582)
- Borbonius
- Borcht, Henry Vander, (1583–1660)
- Borda, John Charles (1733–?)
- Borde, Andrew (1500–1549)
- Borde, John Benjamin De La (1734–?)
- Bordenave, Toussaint (1728–?)
- Bordeu, Anthony, (1693–?)
- Bordeu, Theophilus De (1722–?)
- Bordeu, Francis (1737–?)
- Bordone, Paris (1513–1578)
- Borel, Peter (1620–1678)
- Borelli, John Alphonso (1608–?)
- Boreman, Robert (?–1675)
- Borghini, Vincent (1515–?)
- Borgia, Cæsar (1492–1503)
- Borgia, Stephen (1731–1804)
- Borgianni, Horatio (1630–1681)
- Borlace, Dr. Edmund (?–1682)
- Borlase, William (1695–1809)
- Born, Ignatius (1742–?)
- Borough, Sir John
- Borri, Joseph Francis
- Borrichius (1626–?)
- Borromeo, Charles (1538–?)
- Borromeo, Frederic (?–1632)
- Borromini, Francis (1599–?)
- Borsetti
- Bos, Jerome (?–1500)
- Bos, Lambert (1670–?)
- Bos, Lewis Janssen
- Bosc, Claude Du
- Bosc, Peter Du (1623–?)
- Boscan, John Almogaver (1543–?)
- Boscawen, Right Hon. Edward (1711–1761)
- Boscawen, William (1752–?)
- Bosch, Balthasar Vanden (1675–1715)
- Boscoli, Andrea (1553–1606)
- Boscovich, Roger Joseph
- Bosius, James
- Bosius, Anthony
- Bosius, John Andrew (1626–?)
- Bosquet, Francis (1605–?)
- Bosse, Abraham (?–1660)
- Bosso, Matthew (1427–1502)
- Bossu, Rene Le (1631–?)
- Bossuet, James (1627–1704)
- Boston, John (?–1410)
- Boston, Thomas (1676–1732)
- Boswell, James (1740–?)
- Botallus, Leonard
- Both, John And Andrew (1610–1650)
- Botoner, William (1415–1434)
- Bott, John De (1670–1745)
- Bott, Thomas (1688–1753)
- Bottari, John (1689–?)
- Botticelli, Alexander (1437–1515)
- Bottoni, Albertino (1555–1596)
- Bottoni, Dominic (1641–1731)
- Bouchardon, Edmund (1698–1762)
- Bouchaud, Matthew Anthony (1719–?)
- Boucher, Francis (?–1770)
- Boucher, Jonathan (?–1804)
- Bouchier
- Bouette De Blemur, Jacqueline (1618–1696)
- Bouflers, Louis Francis, Duc De (1644–1711)
- Bougainville, John Peter De (1722–1763)
- Bougeant, William Hyacinth (1690–?)
- Bougerel, Joseph (1680–?)
- Bouguer, Peter (1698–?)
- Bouhier, John (1673–1746)
- Bouhours, Dominick (1628–1702)
- Bouillaud
- Bouille', Marquis De (?–1800)
- Bouillet, John (1690–1770)
- Boulai, Cæsar Egasse De (1678–?)
- Boulainvilliers, Henry De (1658–1722)
- Boulanger, Nicholas Anthony (1722–1759)
- Boulanger, John (1606–1660)
- Boullongne, Louis De (1609–1674)
- Boullongne, Bon De (1649–1734)
- Boulter, Hugh (1671–1754)
- Boulton, Matthew (1728–1809)
- Bouquet, Dom Martin (1685–1721)
- Bouquin
- Bourbon, Nicholas (1503–1550)
- Bourbon, Nicholas (?–1644)
- Bourchier, Sir John (1467–?)
- Bourchier, Thomas (?–1486)
- Bourdaloue, Lewis (1632–1704)
- Bourdeilles, Peter De (?–1614)
- Bourdeilles, Claude De (?–1663)
- Bourdelot, John (?–1638)
- Bourdelot, Peter Michon (?–1685)
- Bourdelot, Peter Bonnet (?–1709)
- Bourdon, Sebastian (1616–1671)
- Bourg
- Bourgelat, Claude (?–1779)
- Bourgeois, Sir Francis (1756–1811)
- Bourget, Dom John (1724–?)
- Bourguet, Louis (1678–1742)
- Bourignon, Antoinette (1616–1669)
- Bourne, Immanuel (1590–1672)
- Bourne, Vincent
- Boursault, Edmund (1638–?)
- Boursier, Lawrence Francis (1679–1749)
- Bouvart, Michael Philip (1717–1787)
- Bower, Archibald (1686–1766)
- Bowle, John (1725–1788)
- Bowyer, William (1699–1777)
- Boxhorn, Mark Zuerius (1612–?)
- Boyce, William
- Boyd, Hugh (1746–1791)
- Boyd, Mark Alexander (1562–?)
- Boyd, Robert (?–1470)
- Boyd, William (1704–1715)
- Boyd, Robert (1578–1627)
- Boydell, John (1719–1731)
- Boyer, Abel (1667–1729)
- Boyer, Claude (1618–1698)
- Boyer, John Baptist Nicholas (1693–1768)
- Boyle, Richard (1566–1599)
- Boyle, Roger (1621–1679)
- Boyle, Robert (1626–1746)
- Boyle, Charles (1676–?)
- Boyle, John (1706–1732)
- Boyle, Richard (1695–1753)
- Boyle, Hamilton (1730–?)
- Boyle, Henry
- Boys, Edward (?–1665)
- Boys, John (1560–1643)
- Boys, John (1571–1625)
- Boys, William (1735–1762)
- Boyse, Joseph, (1659–1728)
- Boyse, Samuel (1708–1749)
- Boze, Claude Gros De (1680–1753)
- Bracciolini, Francis (1566–1645)
- Bracciolini
- Bracelli, James (?–1460)
- Bracton, Henry De
- Bradbury, Thomas (1677–1759)
- Bradford, John
- Bradford, Samuel (1652–1731)
- Bradley, James (1692–1776)
- Bradley, Richard
- Bradshaw, Henry (?–1513)
- Bradshaw, John
- Bradshaw, William (1571–?)
- Bradwardine, Thomas
- Brady, Dr. Nicholas (?–1726)
- Brady, Robert (1643–1700)
- Brahe, Tycho (1546–1601)
- Bramante Di Urbino (1444–1514)
- Bramer, Leonard (1596–?)
- Bramhall, John (1593–?)
- Bramston, James (?–1744)
- Brancas Villeneuve, Andrew Francis (1758–?)
- Brancker, Thomas (1636–?)
- Brand, John (1743–?)
- Brand, John (?–1808)
- Brandel, Peter (1660–1739)
- Brander, Gustavus
- Brandi, Giacinto (1633–1691)
- Brandmuller, Gregory (1661–1691)
- Brandmuller, John (1533–1596)
- Brandmuller, James (1565–1629)
- Brandmuller, James (1617–1677)
- Brandolini, Aurelio (?–1497)
- Brandt, Gerard (1626–1685)
- Brandt, Gaspard (1653–1696)
- Brandt, Gerard (1657–1683)
- Brandt, John (1660–1708)
- Brandt, John (1554–?)
- Brandt, Sebastian (1448–1520)
- Brandt, Nicholas (1458–1521)
- Brantome
- Brasavola, Antonius Musa (1500–1555)
- Brathwaite, Richard (1588–1673)
- Braun, George (?–1622)
- Brauwer
- Bray, Sir Reginald (?–1740)
- Bray, Thomas (1656–?)
- Brea, Lodovico
- Brebeuf, George De (1618–1661)
- Breda, Peter Van (1630–1681)
- Breda, John Van (1683–1750)
- Breenberg, Bartholomew, Called Bartolomeo (1620–1660)
- Bregy, Charlotte Saumaise De Chazan, Comtesse De (?–1693)
- Breitinguer, John James (1701–?)
- Breitkopf, John Gottlieb Immanuel (?–1794)
- Bremond, Francis De (1713–1742)
- Brent, Sir Nathanael (1573–1652)
- Brentius, John (1499–1570)
- Brequigny, Lewis George, Oudard De Feudrix (1715–1795)
- Brereley, John
- Brereton, Jane (1685–1740)
- Brereton, Owen Salusbury (1715–1799)
- Brerewood, Edward (1565–?)
- Breton, John (?–1275)
- Breton, Nicholas
- Bretonneau, Francis (1660–1741)
- Bretonnier, Bartholomew Joseph (1656–1727)
- Brett, John (?–1785)
- Brett, Sir Piercy, Knt (1709–1781)
- Brett, Richard (1561–?)
- Brett, Thomas, Ll. D. (1667–?)
- Breval, John Durant De
- Breugel
- Breulius, James (1528–1614)
- Brevint, Daniel (?–1695)
- Brewer, Anthony
- Brewer, Samuel
- Breydel, Charles (1677–1744)
- Breydel, Francis (1679–?)
- Bridge, William (1600–1670)
- Bridgeman, Sir Orlando
- Bridges, George (?–1677)
- Bridges, John (1666–1724)
- Bridgewater, John
- Bridget
- Briet, Philip (1601–1668)
- Briggs, Henry (1556–?)
- Briggs, William (1650–1748)
- Brighham, Nicholas (?–1559)
- Bright, Timothy (?–1615)
- Brightman, Thomas (1557–?)
- Brigit (?–1373)
- Brill, Matthew (1550–1584)
- Brill, Paul (1554–1626)
- Brindley, James (1716–?)
- Brinsley, John (1600–1665)
- Brisson, Barnaby
- Brissot, Peter (1495–1522)
- Brissot De Warville, James Peter
- Bristow, Richard (1538–1581)
- Britannico, John Angelo (1470–?)
- Brito, Bernard De (1569–1617)
- Britton, Thomas
- Brixius, Germain (?–1538)
- Broad, Thomas (1577–?)
- Brocardus, James
- Brockes, Bartholomew Henry (1680–?)
- Brocklesby, Richard (1722–?)
- Brodeau, John (1500–1563)
- Broeckhusius, John (1649–1707)
- Brokes
- Brokesby, Francis (1637–1715)
- Brom, Adam De (?–1332)
- Brome, Alexander (1620–1666)
- Brome, Richard (?–1652)
- Bromfield, Sir William (1712–?)
- Bromley, John (?–1717)
- Brompton, John
- Bronchorst, John (1494–1570)
- Bronchorst, Everard (1554–1579)
- Bronzerio, John-Jerom (1577–?)
- Bronzino
- Brooke, Frances (?–1789)
- Brooke, Henry (1706–1783)
- Brooke, John Charles (1748–?)
- Brooke, Ralph (?–1625)
- Brooke, Sir Robert
- Brooksbank, Joseph (1612–?)
- Broome, William (?–1745)
- Broschi, Carlo (1705–1756)
- Brossard, Sebastian De (1660–1730)
- Brosse, Guy De La (?–1641)
- Brosses, Charles De (1709–1777)
- Brossette, Claude (1671–1746)
- Brotier, Gabriel (1722–1789)
- Broughton, Hugh (1549–?)
- Broughton, Richard (?–1634)
- Broughton, Thomas (1704–?)
- Broukhusius
- Brouncker, William (1620–1687)
- Brousson, Claude (1647–?)
- Broussonet, Peter Augustus Maria (1761–1807)
- Brouwer, Adrian (1608–?)
- Brower, Christopher (1559–?)
- Brown, James (1709–1733)
- Brown, John (1715–?)
- Brown, John (1752–1784)
- Brown, John (1722–1787)
- Brown, John (1735–?)
- Brown, Lancelot (1715–?)
- Brown, Robert
- Brown, Thomas (?–1704)
- Brown, Ulysses Maximilian De (1705–?)
- Browne, Sir Anthony (1553–1567)
- Browne, Edward (1642–?)
- Browne, George (?–1556)
- Browne, Joseph (1700–?)
- Browne, Isaac Hawkins (1705–?)
- Browne, Moses (1703–1783)
- Browne, Patrick (1720–1790)
- Browne, Peter (?–1735)
- Browne, Simon (1680–?)
- Browne, Thomas (1604–1673)
- Browne, Sir Thomas (1605–?)
- Browne, William (1590–1645)
- Browne, Sir William (1692–?)
- Brownrig, Ralph (1592–?)
- Brownrigg, William (1711–?)
- Brucæus, Henry (1531–?)
- Bruce, James (1730–1761)
- Brucioli, Anthony (1522–1554)
- Brucker, John James (1606–?)
- Bruckman, Francis Ernest (1697–1753)
- Bruckner, John (1726–?)
- Brueghel, Peter (1510–1570)
- Brueghel, Peter (?–1642)
- Brueghel, John (1560–?)
- Brueys, David Augustin (1640–1723)
- Bruhier, John James D' Ablaincourt (?–1756)
- Bruin, John De (1620–1675)
- Brumoy, Peter (1688–?)
- Brun, Charles Le (1619–?)
- Brun, John Baptiste Le (?–1731)
- Brun, Lawrence Le (1607–1663)
- Brun, Peter Le (1661–?)
- Brunck, Richard Francis Frederick (1729–1803)
- Brunelleschi, Philip (1377–1446)
- Brunetto
- Bruni, Leonard (1370–1444)
- Brunne, Robert De (1270–?)
- Brunner, John Conrad (1653–?)
- Bruno, St. (1030–1125)
- Bruno, Jordan
- Brunsfels, Otho
- Brunswick-Oels, Frederick Augustus, Duke Of (1741–1805)
- Bruschius, Caspar (1518–?)
- Bruto, John Michael (1518–1594)
- Bruyere, John De La (1639–1699)
- Bruyn, Cornelius (1652–1719)
- Bruys, Francis (1708–?)
- Bruys, Peter De
- Bruzen
- Bryan, Sir Francis (?–1550)
- Bryant, Jacob (1715–?)
- Brydal, John (1635–1704)
- Brydges, Sir Grey, Lord Chandos (?–1621)
- Brye, Theodore De (1528–?)
- Bryennius, Nicephorus
- Bryennius, Manuel
- Buat-Nancay, Louis Gabriel Du (1752–1787)
- Buc, George
- Bucer, Martin (1491–1551)
- Buchan, Elspeth (1738–?)
- Buchan, William (1729–1805)
- Buchanan, George (1506–1548)
- Bucholtzer, Abraham (1529–1584)
- Buck, Samuel (?–1779)
- Buckeridge, John (?–1631)
- Buckhurst
- Buckland, Ralph (1564–1611)
- Buckler, Benjamin (1716–?)
- Bucquet, John Baptist Michel (1746–?)
- Buddeus, John Francis (1667–1729)
- Budeus (1467–1540)
- Budden, John (1566–1620)
- Budgell, Eustace (1685–?)
- Buffalmacco, Buonamico (1262–1340)
- Buffier, Claude (1661–1737)
- Buffon, George Louis Le Clerc, Count Of (1707–?)
- Bugenhagius, John (1485–1558)
- Bulkley, Charles (1719–1797)
- Bulkley, Peter (1582–1658)
- Bull, George (1634–?)
- Bull, John (1563–?)
- Bullen
- Buller, Sir Francis (1745–?)
- Bullet, John Baptist (1699–?)
- Bulleyn, William (?–1576)
- Bullialdus, Ismael (1605–1694)
- Bullinger, Henry (?–1564)
- Bullock, Henry
- Bulstrode, Edward (1588–1659)
- Bulstrode, Sir Richard (?–1715)
- Bulteau, Lewis (1615–1693)
- Bulwer, John
- Bunel, Peter (1499–1541)
- Bunney, Edmund
- Bunney, Francis (1543–1617)
- Bunyan, John (1628–1688)
- Buonaccorsi
- Buonaccorsi
- Buonamici, Castruccio (1710–1761)
- Buonarroti, Michel Angelo (1474–?)
- Burana, John Francis
- Burchiello (1380–1448)
- Bure, William Francis De (?–1782)
- Burette, Peter John (1665–1747)
- Burger, Godfred Augustus (1748–1794)
- Burgess, Anthony
- Burgess, Cornelius (?–1665)
- Burgess, Daniel (1645–1712)
- Burgh, James (1714–1788)
- Buridan, John
- Burigny, Levesque De (1691–1785)
- Burke, Edmund (1730–?)
- Burkitt, William (1650–?)
- Burlamaqui, John James (1694–?)
- Burleigh, Lord
- Burman, Francis (1632–1679)
- Burman, Francis (1671–1738)
- Burman, Peter (1668–1715)
- Burman, Gaspard (?–1755)
- Burman, Peter (1713–1778)
- Burman, John (?–1779)
- Burn, Richard (1762–1785)
- Burnaby, Andrew (1732–?)
- Burnet, Gilbert (1643–1714)
- Burnet, William
- Burnet, Gilbert
- Burnet, Thomas
- Burnett, James (1714–1767)
- Burnet, Thomas (?–1750)
- Burnet, Dr. Thomas (1635–1715)
- Burnet, Dr. Thomas
- Burns, Robert (1759–1784)
- Burroughes, Jeremiah (1599–?)
- Burroughs, Sir John (?–1643)
- Burrow, Sir James (1701–?)
- Burton, Henry (1579–1623)
- Burton, Hezekiah
- Burton, John (1696–?)
- Burton, John (1697–1771)
- Burton, Robert (1576–?)
- Burton, Robert
- Burton, William (1575–1693)
- Burton, William (?–1657)
- Bury
- Bus, Cæsar De (1544–?)
- Busbequius, Augher Ghislen (1522–?)
- Busby, Richard (1606–1695)
- Busch, John George (1728–?)
- Buschetto Da Dulichio
- Busching, Anthony Frederic (1724–1793)
- Busembaum, Herman (?–1668)
- Bush, Paul (1490–1558)
- Bushel, Thomas (1594–1674)
- Buslidius, John (?–1500)
- Bussieres, John De (1607–1678)
- Bussy
- Butler, Alban (1710–1773)
- Butler, Charles (1559–?)
- Butler, James (1610–1619)
- Butler, Thomas (1634–1680)
- Butler, John (1717–1802)
- Butler, Joseph (1692–1737)
- Butler, Samuel (1612–1680)
- Butler, William (1535–1618)
- Butter, William (?–1805)
- Buxton, Jedediah
- Buxtorf, John (1564–?)
- Buxtorf, John (1599–1664)
- Buxtorf, John James (?–1704)
- Buxtorf, John (?–1732)
- Byam, Henry (1580–1669)
- Byfield, Nicholas (1579–1622)
- Byng, George (1663–1756)
- Byrne, William (1742–1805)
- Byrom, John (1691–1763)
- Bythner, Victorinus
- Bzovius, Abraham (1567–1637)