Bertoux, William

, a French Jesuit, was born Nov. 14, 1723. On the suppression of his order he retired to Senlis, where he had a canonry given him, and where he died, but when is not mentioned. He wrote the following books which were much esteemed in France, but would not suffer his name to appear to any of them 1. “Histoire poetique tirée des poetes Franais, Paris, 1767, 12 mo, and a fourth edition, 1786. 2.” Anecdotes Franchises depuis l‘etablissement de la monarchic jusqu’au regue de Louis XV.“ibid. 1767, 8vo. 3.” Anecdotes Espagnoles et Portugaises," Paris, 1773, 2 vols. 8vo. 2


Biog. Univ. —Dict. Hist.