Blondel, David
, a protestant minister, celebrated for his knowledge in ecclesiastical and civil history, was born at Chalons in Champagne, 1591. He was admitted minister at a synod of the isle of France in 1614. A few years afterwards he began to write in | defence of protestantism, for in 1619 he published a treatise entitled “Modeste declaration de la sincerite et verite des Eglises Reformees de France.” This was an answer to several of the catholic writers, especially to the bishop of Lucon, so well known afterwards under the title of cardinal Richelieu. From this time he was considered as a person of great hopes. He was secretary more than twenty times in the synods of the isle of France, and was deputed four times successively to the national synods. That of Castres employed him to write in defence of the Protestants. The national synod of Charenton appointed him honorary professor in 1645, with a handsome salary, which had never been granted to any professor before. He wrote several pieces; but what gained him most favour amongst the Protestants are, his “Explications on the Eucharist” his work entitled “De la primaute d’Eglise” his “Treatise of the Sybils” and his piece “De episcopis et presbyteris.” Some of his party, however, were dissatisfied with him for engaging in disputes relating to civil history; and particularly offended at the book he published to shew that what is related about pope Joan is a ridiculous fable.
Upon the death of Vossius he was invited to succeed him in the history professorship in the college of Amsterdam. He accordingly went thither in 1650, where he continued his studies with great assiduity, but intense application, and the air of the country not agreeing with him, greatly impaired his health, and deprived him of his sight. In this condition he is said to have dictated two volumes in folio, on the genealogy of the kings of France, against Chifflet, a work which we are told he undertook at the desire of chancellor Seguier. He had, likewise, some
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uneasiness in Holland, from being suspected of Arminianism, and for being the author of “Considerations religieuses et politiques,” which he published during the war betwixt Cromwell and the Hollanders. He died the 6th of April 1655, aged 64. 1