Brown, Lancelot
, an eminent horticulturist, and,
from a word often employed by him in laying out gardens,
called Capability Brown ,*
was born at Kirkharle, in
Northumberland, Aug. 1715. Of his education we have no account, but he came early in life to the metropolis, and was
employed by lord Cobham in improving the grounds at
Stowe; and afterwards at
Blenheim, Luton,
Wimbledon, Nuneham, &c. where he improved ornamental gardening in a very high degree, and approached
more nearly to nature than his predecessors. In these
operations he frequently discovered a very highly cultivated taste, and may be said to have led the fashion in
horticulture for nearly half a century. He associated also
with familiarity with many of his noble and opulent employers, and realized a handsome fortune. In 1770 he
served the office of high sheriff for the counties of
Huntingdon and
Cambridge. He died suddenly in Hertfordstreet, May-fair, Feb. 6, 1783, being at that time head
gardener to his majesty, at Hampton-court.
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