Chambre, Marin Cureau De La
, a native of Mans, and king’s physician in ordinary. He was received into the French academy 1635, afterwards into that of sciences. Chancellor Sequier and cardinal Richelieu gave him public testimonies of their esteem; and he acquired great reputation by his knowledge in physic, philosophy, and the belles-lettres. He died November 29, 1669, at Paris, aged seventy-five, and left many works, the principal oif which are: “Les Characteres des Passions,” 4 vols. 4to; or Amsterdam, 1658, 5 vols. 12mo. “L’Art de connoitre les Hommes.” “De la Connoissance des Betes.” “Conjectures sur la Digestion.” “De l'Iris.” “De la Lumiere.” “Le Systeme de l’Ame.” “Le Debordement du Nil,” each 1 vol. 4to. Peter de la Chambre, his second son, was curate of St. Bartholomew, and one of the forty members of the French academy, and died 1693, leaving several panegyrics, printed separately in 4to. 2
Ibid.—Moreri.—Eloges des Academicians, vol. I.