Cuming, William
, born Sept. 30, 1714, was the
son of Mr. James Cuming, an eminent merchant in Edinburgh. Alter a suitable education in the high-school of
that city, and under the particular tuition of Mr. Alexander
Muir, formerly professor of philosophy at Aberdeen, he
applied himself to the study of physic four years in the
university of Edinburgh, and became connected with some
of the most eminent students in that science. In 1735 he
spent nine months at Paris, improving himself in anatomy
and the French language: and he passed some time at
Leyden the following year; but returned immediately
before the death of his father.*
In 1738 he quitted
Edinburgh for
London: and while his friends were meditating
a settlement for him at Lynne in the room of the late sir
William Browne, his friend Dr, Fothergill found out a
more promising situation at
Dorchester; where he remained to the last, notwithstanding the most pressing invitations from Dr. Fothergill to succeed Dr. Russel in
London. In the space of a few years after his establishment at
Dorchester, he came to be employed in many, and in process of time, with an exception of three or four at most, in
all the families of distinction within the county, and frequently in the adjacent ones. At length his chaste manners, his learning, and his probity, as they were more generally known, rendered him not only the physician, but
the confidential friend of some of the best families into
which he was introduced. His warm and friendly attention to the interests of the late Mr. Hutchins, author of
the History of
Dorset, in advancing the publication of that
well written and well arranged work, cannot better be expressed than in the grateful language of its author: “
of the gentlemen to whom my acknowledgments are eminently due, permitted part of that time which is so beneficially employed to far better purposes, and is so precious
to a gentleman of his extensive practice, to be diverted to
the work in hand; the publication of which he patronised
and promoted with great zeal and assiduity: nor did his
success fall short of his zeal. Without his friendly assistance my papers might yet have remained undelivered to
the press; or, if they had been committed to the public, would
have wanted several advantages and embellishments with
which they now appear.” The doctor bequeathed his interleaved copy of this work to Mr.
Gough, his friend and coadjutor
in its publication. In 1752 he received a diploma from the
university of
Edinburgh; and was soon after elected a fellow of the royal college of physicians there, of which he
died senior fellow. He was elected in 1769 fellow of the
society of antiquaries of
London; and in 1781 of that of
Scotland. The tenderness of his eyes was, through life,
the greatest misfortune he had to struggle with; and, considering the many obstacles which the complaints in those
organs have occasioned in the pursuit of knowledge, it is
wonderful how he attained the degree of erudition which
he was well known to possess. In his retreat from the
more busy pursuits of this world, the surviving companions
of his youth continued the friends and correspondents of
| his advanced years; and he enjoyed to the last the singular satisfaction of being visited by the most respectable
persons in the county for probity, rank, and fortune. We
cannot but regret that the doctor, who lias been the means
of so many valuable performances being laid before the
public, and some of them improved by his pen, had not
himself stood forth, to give that information for which he
was so well qualified, both in point of classical learning
and elegant composition. He died of a dropsy, in the 7 kh
year of his age,
March 25, 1788.
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