
, called the Babylonian, from his birthplace, Seleucia, near Babylon, flourished in the second | century B. C. He was the disciple of Chrysippus, and the successor of Zeno of Tarsus, where he taught the principles of his sect with unwearied diligence, and a high reputation. He was the author of several works on divination, the laws, learning, &c. which have been quoted with respect by Cicero and others. He is said to have lived to the age of eighty-eight years, and philosophized to the last. That he was highly esteemed by his contemporaries, is evident from his being appointed in conjunction with Carneades, the head of the academies, and Critolaus, the chief of the peripatetic school, to the embassy to Home and as a proof how well his practice conformed to his principles, we are told, that when he was once discoursing against anger, an insolent young man, with the hope of exposing him to the ridicule of his audience, spat upon him, and otherwise contumeliously treated him, upon which the philosopher observed with meekness, “I am not angry, but I am doubtful whether I ought not to be so.1