Chalmers’ Biographical Dictionary · F
- Faber, Basil (1520–?)
- Faber, John (1479–1542)
- Faber, John (?–1756)
- Faber
- Fabert, Abraham (?–1662)
- Fabian
- Fabius Maximus, Quintus, Surnamed Rullianus
- Fabius Maximus, Quintus, Surnamed Verrucosus And Cunctator (?–203)
- Fabius, Pictor
- Fabra, Aloysio (1655–1712)
- Fabre D'Eglantine, Philip Francis Nazaire (1755–?)
- Fabre, John Claudius (1668–?)
- Fabretti, Raphael (1619–1700)
- Fabri, Honore' (1606–1688)
- Fabriano, Gentile Da (1332–1412)
- Fabricius, Andrew
- Fabricius, Caius
- Fabricius, Francis (1663–?)
- Fabricius, George (1516–1571)
- Fabricius, James (1577–1652)
- Fabricius, James
- Fabricius, Jerome (1537–1619)
- Fabricius, John Albert (1668–1679)
- Fabricius, John Lewis (1639–1697)
- Fabricius, Vincent (1613–1667)
- Fabricius, William (?–1634)
- Fabricius, Baron
- Fabricy, Gabriel (1726–1800)
- Fabroni, Angelo (1732–1750)
- Fabrot, Charles Annibal (1580–1638)
- Fabyan, Robert (?–1511)
- Faccio, Nicolas Of Duilier (1664–1753)
- Facciolati, James (1682–1769)
- Facini, Peter (1560–1602)
- Facio, Bartholomew (1400–1457)
- Facundus
- Faerno, Gabriel
- Fagan, Christopher Barthelemi (1702–1755)
- Fage, Raimond De La (1648–1690)
- Fagius, Paul (1504–1548)
- Fagnani, Prosper (?–1678)
- Fagon, Guy Crescent (1638–1718)
- Fahrenheit, Gabriel Daniel (?–1736)
- Faidit
- Faille, Germain De La (1616–1711)
- Fairclough
- Fairfax, Edward (1580–1632)
- Fairfax, Thomas, Lord (1611–1671)
- Fairfax, Thomas, Sixth Lord (691–?)
- Faithorne, William (?–1691)
- Falcandus
- Falco
- Falconer, Thomas (1736–?)
- Falconer, William (1730–?)
- Falconet, Camille (1671–1762)
- Falconia, Proba
- Faletti, Jeronimo
- Falk, John Peter (1727–?)
- Falkenstein, John Henry (1682–1760)
- Falkland
- Falle, Philip (1655–1742)
- Fallopius, Gabriel (1523–1563)
- Falster, Christian (1690–1752)
- Falz, Raymond (1658–1703)
- Fancourt, Samuel
- Fannius, Caius
- Fanshawe, The Right Hon. Sir Richard, Knt. And Bart. (1608–?)
- Fantoni, John (1675–1692)
- Fardklla, Michael Angelo (1650–1718)
- Fare, Charles Augustus, Marquis De La (1644–1712)
- Farel, William (1489–1565)
- Faret, Nicholas (1600–1640)
- Faria De Sousa, Emanuel (1590–?)
- Farinaccio, Prosper (1554–1618)
- Farinato, Paul (1522–?)
- Farinelli
- Faringdon, Anthony (1596–?)
- Farington, George (1754–?)
- Farmer, Hugh
- Farmer, Richard (1735–1808)
- Farnabie, Thomas (1575–?)
- Farneworth, Ellis (?–1763)
- Farquhar, George (1678–1759)
- Farr, Samuel (1741–1795)
- Farrar
- Fassolo, Bernardino
- Fastolff, John (?–1459)
- Fatio
- Fauchet, Claude (1529–1601)
- Faucheur, Michelle (?–1657)
- Faulkner, George
- Faunt, Arthur (1554–1591)
- Faur, Guy De (1528–1584)
- Faust
- Faustus
- Favorinus
- Favorinus
- Favour, John (?–1623)
- Favre, Antony (1557–?)
- Favre, Claude
- Fawcett, Benjamin (1715–1780)
- Fawcett, Sir William, K.B. (1728–1804)
- Fawkes, Francis (1721–1763)
- Faydit, Anselme (?–1220)
- Faydit, Peter (?–1709)
- Fayette, Marie Madeleine, Pioche De La Vergne, Countess Of
- Fazzello, Thomas (1498–1570)
- Fazzio
- Fearne, Charles
- Featley, Daniel (1582–1645)
- Featley, John (?–1666)
- Fecht, John (1636–1716)
- Feckenham, John De (?–1558)
- Feijoo
- Feithius, Everard
- Felibien, Andrew (1619–1695)
- Felibien, John Francis (1666–1733)
- Felicianus, John Beunardine
- Felix Minucius
- Fell, Samuel, D. D. (1594–?)
- Fell, Dr. John (1625–1686)
- Fell, John
- Feller, Joachim (1638–?)
- Feller, Joachim Frederic (1673–1726)
- Feller, Francis Xavier De (1735–1802)
- Felton, Henry (1679–1739)
- Felton, Nicholas (?–1626)
- Fenelon, Francis De Salignac De La Motte (1651–1715)
- Fenestella, Lucius
- Fenn, John (?–1615)
- Fenn, Sir John (1739–1794)
- Fenner, William (1660–?)
- Fenton, Edward (?–1603)
- Fenton, Sir Geoffrey (?–1608)
- Fenton, Elijah (1683–1691)
- Ferdinand Of Cordoua (?–1445)
- Ferdinandi, Epiphanius (?–1638)
- Ferdusi
- Ferg, Francis Paul (1689–?)
- Ferguson, James (1710–1776)
- Fergusson, Robert (1750–1774)
- Fermat, Peter (1590–1664)
- Ferne, Sir John (?–1610)
- Ferne, Henry (1603–1661)
- Fernel, John Francis (1506–1558)
- Ferracino, Bartolomeo (1692–?)
- Ferrand, Louis (1645–1699)
- Ferrandus, Fulgentius (?–530)
- Ferrar, Nicholas (1592–?)
- Ferrar, Robert
- Ferrari, Octavian (1518–?)
- Ferrari, Francis Bernardine (1577–1669)
- Ferrari, Octavius (1607–1682)
- Ferrari, John Baptist (?–1655)
- Ferrari, Gaudenzio (1484–1550)
- Ferrari, Lewis (1520–1565)
- Ferrariensls
- Ferrars, George (1512–1579)
- Ferrars (?–1633)
- Ferre, Vincent (?–1682)
- Ferrein, Anthony (1693–1769)
- Ferreras, Don John Of (1652–?)
- Ferreti, Or Ferretus
- Ferreti, Æminus (1489–1552)
- Ferreti, John Baptist
- Ferri, Ciro (1634–1689)
- Ferri, Paul (1591–1669)
- Ferrier, Armand (1506–1585)
- Ferrier, Jeremy (?–1626)
- Ferrier, John (1614–1674)
- Ferrier, Claude De (1639–1715)
- Ferron, Arnauld Du (1515–1563)
- Fesch, Sebastian (1647–1712)
- Festus, Pompeius
- Fetti, Domenico (1589–?)
- Feuillee, Louis (1660–1732)
- Feuillet, Nicholas (?–1693)
- Feuquieres, Manasses De Pas, Marquis De (1590–1640)
- Feuquieres, Anthony De Pas, Marquis Of (1648–1711)
- Feutsking, John Henry (1672–1713)
- Fevardentius, Francis (1541–1610)
- Fevre, Anne Le
- Fevre, Guy De Sieur De La Boderie (1541–1598)
- Fevre, James Le (1440–?)
- Fevre, James Le
- Fevre, John Baptist Le (1732–1809)
- Fevre, Nicolas Le (1544–1581)
- Fevre, Tannegui Le (1615–1672)
- Fevret, Charles (1583–1661)
- Fevret De Fontette, Charles Marie (1710–?)
- Feydeau, Matthew (1616–1694)
- Feyjoo, Benedict Jerom (1765–?)
- Fichard, John (?–1581)
- Fichet, Alexander (1589–?)
- Fichet, William
- Ficinus, Marsilius (1433–1499)
- Ficoroni, Francis (1664–1747)
- Fidauza
- Fiddes, Richard (1671–1725)
- Fidelis, Cassandra (1465–1567)
- Field, Richard (1561–1629)
- Fielding, Henry (1707–1740)
- Fielding, Sarah (1714–1768)
- Fielding, Sir John (?–1780)
- Fiennes, William (1582–?)
- Fiennes, Nathanael (1608–?)
- Fienus, Thomas (1567–1585)
- Fiesole
- Figrelius, Emundls (?–1676)
- Figulus
- Filangieri, Gaetano (1752–1783)
- Filelfo
- Filesac, John (?–1638)
- Filicaia, Vincent De (1642–1707)
- Filippi, Bastiano (1532–1574)
- Filmer, Sir Robert (1604–1647)
- Finæus, Orontius (1494–1555)
- Finch, Heneage
- Finch, Daniel (1647–1729)
- Finch, Anne, Countess Of Winchelsea (?–1720)
- Finch, Henry (1571–1641)
- Fioravanti, Leonard (?–1588)
- Firenzuola, Angelo (?–1545)
- Firmicus Maternus, Junius
- Firmilian, St.
- Firmin, Giles (1617–1697)
- Firmin, Thomas (1633–1697)
- Fischer, John Christian
- Fischer, John Andrew (1691–1729)
- Fjsh, Simon (1525–?)
- Fishacre (?–1248)
- Fisher, Edward (1627–?)
- Fisher, John (1459–?)
- Fisher, John (1594–?)
- Fisher, Payne (1616–1693)
- Fitz-Geffrey, Charles (1575–?)
- Fitzgibbon, John (1749–1780)
- Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony (?–1515)
- Fitzherbert, Thomas (1552–?)
- Fitzherbert, Nicholas (1550–?)
- Fitzherbert, Sir William (1748–?)
- Fitzjames, James (1670–?)
- Fitz-James, Richard (?–1522)
- Fitzsimons, Henry (1569–?)
- Fitzstephen, William (?–1191)
- Fitzwilliam, William
- Fixlmillner, Placidus (1721–1791)
- Fizacre
- Fizes, Anthony (1690–1765)
- Flaccus, Caius Valerius
- Flacius
- Flaherty, Roderic (1650–?)
- Flameel, Bertholet (1614–1675)
- Flamel, Nicholas (?–1418)
- Flaminio, Mark Anthony (1498–?)
- Flamsteed, John (1646–?)
- Flatman, Thomas (1633–1688)
- Flavel, John (1627–1691)
- Flavian (?–404)
- Flavian
- Flavigni, Valerian De (?–1674)
- Flavio (1388–1463)
- Flaust, John Baptiste (?–1783)
- Flechier, Esprit (1632–1690)
- Flecknoe, Richard (?–1678)
- Fleetwood, Charles (?–1652)
- Fleetwood, William (?–1594)
- Fleetwood, William (1656–1714)
- Fleming, Abraham
- Fleming, Caleb (1698–1779)
- Fleming, Patrick (1599–?)
- Fleming, Robert (1630–1694)
- Fleming, Robert (?–1716)
- Flemming, Richard
- Flemming, Robert (?–1483)
- Fletcher, Abkaham (1714–1793)
- Fletcher, Andrew (?–1716)
- Fletcher, Dr. Richard
- Fletcher, John (1576–1625)
- Fletcher, Giles (1584–1610)
- Fleurieu, Charles Peter Clarel De (1738–?)
- Fleury, Andre' Hercule De (1653–?)
- Fleury, Claude (1640–1725)
- Flexman, Roger, D. D. (1707–1795)
- Flink, Govert (1616–1660)
- Flodoard (894–966)
- Flood
- Florez, Henry (?–1772)
- Florian, John Peter Claris De (1755–?)
- Florio, John
- Floris, Francis (1520–1570)
- Florus, Lucius Annæus
- Floyd, John (1593–?)
- Floyer, Sir John (1649–1734)
- Fludd, Robert (1574–1637)
- Foesius, Anutius (?–1595)
- Foggini, Peter Francis (1713–1783)
- Foglieta, Hubert (1518–1581)
- Fohi
- Folard, Charles (1669–1752)
- Folengio, John Baptist (1490–1559)
- Folengo, Theophilus (1491–1544)
- Foligno, Federigo Frezzi Da (?–1416)
- Folkes, Martin (1690–1727)
- Fonseca, Anthony De (?–1542)
- Fonseca, Peter De (1528–1619)
- Fontaine, John De La (1621–?)
- Fontaine, Nicholas (1625–1709)
- Fontaines, Peter Francis Guyot Des (1685–?)
- Fontana, Domenick (1543–1607)
- Fontanini, Juste (1666–1736)
- Fonte-Moderata (1555–1592)
- Fontenay, Peter Claude (1683–1742)
- Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier De (1657–1757)
- Fontius, Bartholomæus (1445–1513)
- Foote, Samuel (1720–?)
- Foppens, John Francis (?–1761)
- Forbes, Duncan (1685–1747)
- Forbes, Patrick (1564–1635)
- Forbes, John (1593–1648)
- Forbes, William (1585–1634)
- Forbin, Claude, Chevalier De (1656–?)
- Forbisher
- Forbonnois, Francis V'Eron De (1722–?)
- Forcellini, Egidio (1688–1768)
- Ford, Sir John (1605–?)
- Ford, John
- Ford, Simon (1619–1684)
- Fordun, John De
- Fordyce, David (1711–?)
- Fordyce, James (1720–?)
- Fordyce, Sir William (1724–?)
- Fordyce, George (1736–?)
- Foreiro, Francis (1523–?)
- Foresti, James, Philip Of (1434–1520)
- Forestus, Petrus (1522–?)
- Formey, John Henry Samuel (?–1797)
- Forman, Simon (1552–1611)
- Forskal, Peter (1736–1763)
- Forster, John (1495–1556)
- Forster, John Reinhold (1729–1798)
- Forster, George (1754–?)
- Forster, Nathaniel (1717–?)
- Forstner, Christopher (1598–1667)
- Forsyth, William (1737–?)
- Fortescue, Sir John
- Fortescue, Sir John
- Fortiguerra, Nicolas (1674–1735)
- Fortiguerra Scipio
- Fortius
- Foscarini, Michael (1628–1692)
- Fosse, Charles De La (1640–1716)
- Fosse, Antony De La (1658–1708)
- Foster, Dr. James (1697–?)
- Foster, John (1731–?)
- Foster, Sir Michael (1689–1758)
- Foster, Samuel (1616–1652)
- Fotherby, Martin (1659–1666)
- Fothergill, George (1705–1760)
- Fothergill, John (?–1780)
- Foucault, Nicolas Joseph (1643–1721)
- Foucquet, Nicolas (1615–1680)
- Foucquet, Charles Louis Augustus (1684–1761)
- Fougeroux De Bondaroy, Augustus Dennis (1732–1789)
- Fouillou, James (1670–1736)
- Foulis, Robert And Andrew (?–1776)
- Foulon, John Erard (1609–1668)
- Foulon, William (?–1558)
- Fountaine, Sir Andrew
- Fouquirres, James (1580–1659)
- Fourcroy, Anthony Francis (1755–1809)
- Fourcroy, Charles René De (1715–1791)
- Fourmont, Stephen (1683–1743)
- Fournier, Peter Simon (1712–?)
- Fowler, Christopher (1610–1676)
- Fowler, Edward (1632–1732)
- Fowler, John (1555–1579)
- Fowler, Thomas (1736–?)
- Fox, Edward (?–1533)
- Fox, Francis (?–1738)
- Fox, George (1624–?)
- Fox, John (1517–1587)
- Fox, Richard (1475–1528)
- Fox, Henry (1705–1774)
- Fox, Charles James
- Fox Morzillo, Sebastian (1528–?)
- Fracastorio, Jerom, (1483–1559)
- Frachetta, Jerom
- Fraguier, Claude Francis (1666–?)
- Francesca, Pietro Della (1372–1458)
- Franceschini, Marc Antonio (1648–1729)
- Franchinus
- Francia, Francesco (1450–1518)
- Franciabigio, Marco Antonio (1483–1524)
- Francis Of Assisi (1182–1226)
- Francis, Of Paulo (1416–?)
- Francis De Sales, St. (1567–?)
- Francis Xavier
- Francis I. (1494–1547)
- Francis, Philip (?–1773)
- Francius, Peter (1645–?)
- Franck De Franckenau, George (1643–?)
- Franck (1544–1616)
- Franck (1580–1642)
- Francke, Augustus Herman
- Francklin, Thomas (1721–1784)
- Franco, Nicolas (1510–?)
- Francois, Laurence (1698–1782)
- Francowitz
- Francucci, Innocent (1506–?)
- Frankland, Thomas (1633–1690)
- Franklin, Benjamin
- Franks
- Frantius, Wolfgang (1564–?)
- Frassen, Claudius (1620–1711)
- Fraunce, Abraham
- Freart, Roland
- Fredegarius
- Frederic Ii. (1712–1740)
- Fregoso, Baptist
- Freher, Marquard (1565–1614)
- Freher, Paul (1611–1682)
- Freigius, John Thomas (1543–1583)
- Freind, John (1675–1752)
- Freind, Robert (1680–1736)
- Freinshemius, John (1608–1660)
- Freire De Andrada, Hyacinthe (1597–1657)
- Freitag, John (1581–1623)
- Freminet, Martin (1567–1619)
- Fremont
- French, John (1616–?)
- Frenicle De Bessy, Bernard (?–1675)
- Frenicle (1661–?)
- Freret, Nicolas (1688–1749)
- Freron, Elie Catherine (1719–1776)
- Fresnaye, John Vauquelin De La (1534–1606)
- Fresne, Charles Du Cange Du (1610–1688)
- Fresnoy, Charles Alphonsus Du (1611–1665)
- Fresny, Charles Riviere Du (1648–?)
- Freytag, Frederic Gotthilf (1723–1776)
- Frezier (1682–1772)
- Frezzi
- Friart
- Frischlin, Nicodemus (1547–1590)
- Frischmuth, John (1619–1687)
- Frisi, Paul (1727–1784)
- Frith, John
- Frizon, Peter (?–1651)
- Frobenius, John (1460–1527)
- Frobisher, Sir Martin
- Froelich, Erasmus (1700–1758)
- Froissart, John (1337–1369)
- Fronteau, John (1614–?)
- Frontinus, Sextus Julius (?–106)
- Fronton, Du Due (1558–1624)
- Frowde, Philip (?–1738)
- Frugoni, Charles Innocent (1692–1768)
- Frumentius, St. (?–360)
- Frye, Thomas (1710–?)
- Fryth
- Fuchs, Leonard (1501–?)
- Fuessli, John Gaspard (1706–1781)
- Fugger, Huldric (1526–1584)
- Fulbeck, William (1560–?)
- Fulbert
- Fulgentius, St. (?–523)
- Fulgentius Planciades, Fabius
- Fulgoso, Baptist
- Fulke, William (?–1589)
- Fuller, Isaac (?–1672)
- Fuller, Nicholas (1557–1622)
- Fuller, Thomas (1608–?)
- Fuller, Thomas (1654–?)
- Fullo, Peter
- Fulman, William (1632–1688)
- Fumani, Adam (?–1544)
- Funccius, John Nicolas (1693–1778)
- Funch, John (1518–?)
- Furetiere, Antony (1620–1688)
- Furietti, Joseph Alexander (1685–1764)
- Furius (650–?)
- Furius, Frederick (?–1592)
- Furneaux, Pmup (1726–?)
- Furstemberg, Ferdinand De (1626–1683)
- Furstenau, John-Herman (1688–1756)
- Fussli
- Fust, John
- Fuzelier, Lewis (1672–1752)