Flavigni, Valerian De

, a learned doctor of the house and society of the Sorbonne, was born in the diocese of Loan. He took a doctor’s degree in 1621, and was canon of Rheims, and Hebrew professor at the royal college, in 1630. In 1656 he was promoted to be dean of the college royal, and died April 29, 1674, in the Sorbonne. Flavigni assisted M. le Jay in the Polyglott Bible, and wrote against Abraham Echellensis, in his “Epistolsa de Heptaplis Parisiensibus,” the most important of his works. He also left the defence of a thesis he had signed, in which it was asserted that episcopacy was not a distinct sacrament from the priesthood. This apology was printed at Tournay, 1668, 4to, 128 pages. His style is said to have been as violent as his temper. 2


Gen. Dict. —Moreri.