Guys, Peter Augustine
, an agreeable French writer, was born at Marseilles in 1720, and became a merchant of distinguished probity. Having often had occasion to visit Constantinople, Smyrna, &c. in the course of business, he conceived the idea of comparing the ancient and modern Greeks, and endeavouring to trace among the latter what was yet to be found of the grandeur, spirit, and institutions of their ancestors. For this purpose he made frequent excursions from Constantinople, where he lived under the immediate protection of the king of France, into Greece, with Homer in his hand; and how extensive and minute his observations were, appeared in his “Voyage Litteraire de la Grece,” on which his fame chiefly rests, and which was first published in 1771, 2 vols. 12mo; in 1783, 4 vols. 8vo. He was taking another voyage in order to correct and enlarge a new edition of this work, when he died at Zante in 1799. This work procured him a very considerable name in the literary wprld; but in whatever reputation it was held in Europe, he afforded such satisfaction to the subjects of his inquiry) that the modern Greeks, to testify to him their gratitude for his having so well defended them from their detractors, unanimously offered him the diploma of citizen of Athens; reviving^ in his favour, an ancient ceremony fallen into desuetude for a great many centuries. Some years before, he had received a similar compliment from a northern power. This true philosopher, | without ceasing to serve his country, knew how to extend his beneficent views beyond the limits of his country. The “Voyage Litteraire de la Grece,” however, is the chief work of C. Guys. His other pieces are, a “Relation Abrege*e de ses Voyages en Italic et dans le Nord;” and a translation in verse of the elegies of Tibullus, an essay upon the antiquities of Marseilles his native place, and the eloge of Duguay-Trouin. A translation of his Journey was published in English in 1772, 3 vols. 12mo, with the improper title of a “Sentimental Journey.” 1