Hure, Charles
, a French divine of some eminence, was born at Champigny-sur-Youne, in 1639, the son of a | labourer. He made it his object to know every thing that could throw any light upon theology; and with this view he studied the oriental languages. He was a member of the learned society of Port- Royal, where he imbibed at once his zeal for religion and for letters. He was afterwards professor of the learned languages in the university of Paris, and principal of the college of Boncourt. He died in 1717. There are extant by him, 1. A Dictionary of.the Bible, 2.vols. folio, less full, and less complete, than that of Calmet, published in 1715. 2. An edition of the Latin Testament, with notes, which are much esteemed, 2 vols. 12mo. 3. “A French translation of the former, with the notes from the Latin augmented, 1702, 4 vols. 12mo. 4.” A Sacred Grammar," with rules for understanding the literal sense of the Scripture. He was considered as a Jansenist; and by some said to be only Quesnel a little moderated. 1