Lambert, George
, was an English artist, who obtained celebrity upon the revival of painting in this coontry. His taste led him to admire and to imitate the style of Caspar Poussin in landscape and he has produced several works of considerable merit; which, if theyhave not the brilliancy and force of Gaspar, are rich, and abound with beauties of a gentler kind. He also painted scenes from common nature; and at the Foundling hospital may | be seen one he presented to that institution, which is deserving of very great praise. He was engaged to paint scenes for the play-houses, for which his pencil was peculiarly qualified, and, in concert with Scott, painted sir large pictures of their settlements for the East India Company, which are placed at their house in Leadenhall-street. He died in 1765. Mr. Edwards gives some anecdotes of this artist; and, among others, relates that he was the founder of the celebrated “Beef-steak-club” in Coventgarden. 1
Walpole’s Anecdotes. —Strutt’s Dict. Edwards’s Supplement to WalpoleReel’s Cyclopædia.