Maitland, John
, duke of Lauderdale, grandson of the preceding, was a statesman of great power and authority, but of most inconsistent character. On the breaking out of the wars in Scotland in the reign of Charles I. he was a zealous covenanter; and in Jan. 1644-5, one of the commissioners at the treaty of Uxbridge, during which, upon the death of his father the earl of Lauderdale, he succeeded to his titles and estate. He took an active but not very useful part in the above treaty; “being,” says lord Clarendon, “a young man, not accustomed to an orderly and decent way of speaking, and having no gracious pronunciation., and full of passion, he made every thing much more difficult than it was before.” In April 1647, he came with the earl of Dumfermling to London, with a commission to join with the parliament commissioners in | persuading the king to sign the covenant and propositions offered to him; and in the latter end of the same year, he, in conjunction with the earl of Loudon, chancellor of Scotland, and the earl of Lanerick, conducted a private treaty with his majesty at Hampton court, which was renewed and signed by him on Dec. 26 at Carisbrook castle. By this, among other very remarkable concessions, the king engaged himself to employ the Scots equally with the English in all foreign employments and negociations; and that a third part of all the offices and places about the king, queen, and prince, should be conferred upon persons of that nation; and that the king and prince, or one of them, should frequently reside in Scotland. In August the year following, the earl of Lauderdale was sent by the committee of estates of Scotland to the prince of Wales, with a letter, in which, next to his father’s restraint, they bewailed his highness’s long absence from that kingdom; and since their forces were again marched into England, they desired his presence to countenance their endeavours for religion and his father’s re-establishment. In 1649, he opposed with great vehemence the propositions made by the marquis of Montrose to king Charles II.; and in 1651 attended his majesty in his expedition into England, but was taken prisoner after the battle of Worcester in September the same year, and confined in the Tower of London, Portland-castle, and other prisons, till the 3d of March, 1659-60, when he was released from his imprisonment in Windsor-castle.
Upon the Restoration he was made secretary of state for
Scotland, and persuaded the king to demolish the forts
and citadels built by Cromwell in Scotland; by which
means he became very popular. He was likewise very
importunate vfith his majesty for his supporting presbyterv
in that kingdom; though his zeal, in that respect, did not
continue long. In 1669, he was appointed lord commissioner for the king in Scotland, whither he was sent with
great pomp and splendour to bring about some extraordinary points, and particularly the union of the two kingdoms. For this purpose he made a speech at the opening
of the parliament at Edinburgh on the 19th of October
that year, in which he likewise recommended the preservation of the church as established by law, and expressed
a vast zeal for episcopal government. And now the extending of the king’s power and grandeur in that kingdom.
| was greatly owing to the management of his lordship
although he had formerly been as much for depressing the
prerogative; and from the time of his commission the Scots
had reason to date all the mischiefs and internal commotions of that and the succeeding reign. Having undertaken to make his majesty absolute and arbitrary, he
stretched the power of the crown to every kind of excess,
and assumed to himself a sort of lawless administration,
the exercise of which was supposed to be granted to him
in consequence of the large promises he had made. In
the prosecution of this design, being more apprehensive of
other men’s officious interfering, than distrustful of his own
abilities, he took care to make himself his majesty’s sole
informer, as well as his sole secretary; and by this means,
not only the affairs of Scotland were determined in the
court of England, without any notice taken of the king’s
council in Scotland, but a strict watch was kept on all
Scotchmen, who came to the English court; and to attempt any access to his majesty, otherwise than by his
lordship’s mediation, was to hazard his perpetual resentment. By these arrogant measures, he gradually made
himself almost the only important person of the whole
Scotch nation; and in Scotland itself assumed so much
sovereign authority, as to name the privy-counsellors, to
place and remove the lords of the session and exchequer,
to grant gifts and pensions, to levy and disband forces, to
appoint general officers, and to transact all matters belonging to the prerogative. Besides which, he was one of the
five lords, who had the management of affairs in England,
and were styled the Cabal, and in 1672, was made marquis of March, duke of Lauderdale, and knight of the
garter. But these honours did not protect him from the
indignation of the House of Commons; by whom, in November the year following, he was voted a *’ grievance,
and not fit to be trusted or employed in any office or place
of trust.“And though his majesty thought proper on
the 25th of June, 1674, to create him a baron of England
by the title of Baron of Petersham in Surrey, and earl of
Guildford, yet the House of Commons the next year presented an address to the king to remove him from all his
employments, and from his majesty’s presence and counsels for ever; which address was followed by another of
the same kind in May 1678, and by a third in May the
year following.
| He died at Tunbridge Wells, August 24, 1682, leaving
a character which no historian has been hardy enough to
vindicate. In Clarendon, Burnet, Kennet, Hume, Smollet, &c. we find a near conformity of sentiment respecting
his inconsistency, his ambition, and his tyranny .* What no historian, no relater of
facts could do, was accomplished by
the rev. John Ga’scanh, fellow of Pembroke hall in Cambridge, in a funeral
sermon for the duke. In this he clothes
him with every virtue that ever adorned
the best, most pious, and wisest of human beings. After reading his grace’s
history, one would suppose all this
ironical but the author, whatever his
motives, appears to be serious. This
sermon was published at London in
1683, 4to. It is, we believe, scarce, but
the reader will find the substance of
it in that very useful collection, “Wilford’s Memorials.”