Mautour, Philibert Bernard Moreau De
, born
at Beaune in 1654, became auditor of the chamber of
| accounts at Paris, and member of the academy of inscriptions. He was beloved as a man, and esteemed as a scholar, and even as a poet ranks among those writers of mediocrity who occasionally produce some happy effusions.
His poems are scattered in the “Mercure,” and various
other collections. He published also a translation of Petau’s “Rationarium Temporum,” in 4 vols. 12 mo; and
was author of many learned and acute dissertations in the
Memoirs of the academy of belles lettres. He died in 1737,
at the age of eighty-three. 1
Entry taken from
General Biographical Dictionary,
by Alexander Chalmers, 1812–1817.
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Mautour, Philibert Bernard Moreau De (1654–1737)
Nævius, Cneius (