Merlin, James
, a learned doctor of the Sorbonne, born in the diocese of Limoges, was curate of Montmartre, and afterwards canon and grand penitentiary of Paris. Having preached against some persons belonging to the court, who were supposed to be favourable to the reformed religion, he was confined in the castle at the Louvre, 1527, by order of Francis I. and then banished to Nantes, from whence he returned to Paris, 1530. Merlin was appointed grand vicar of Paris, and curate of la Magdelaine. He died September 26, 1541. He was the first who published a “Collection of Councils;” of which there are three editions. It is said to be a compilation of great accuracy and impartiality. Merlin also published editions of “Richard de St. Victor, Peter de Blois, Durand de St. Pour$ain, and | Origen;” and has prefixed to the works of the latter an Apology, in which he undertakes to clear Origen from the errors imputed to him. He had a violent dispute on this subject with Noel Beda.1