Owen, Thomas
, a learned judge, and author of a book of reports, was the son of Richard Owen, esq. of Condover, in Shropshire, and educated in Oxford, but in what college seems doubtful. Having taken a degree in arts, he left the university, and repairing to Lincoln’s Inn, London, studied law, and became an eminent counsellor. | In 1583 he was elected Lent-reader of that society. In 1590 he was made serjeant at law, and- queen’s serjeant soon after. He arrived at length at the dignity of judge of the common pleas, which office he is said to have executed during five years with great abilities and integrity. He died in December 1598, and was buried on the south side of the choir in Westminster abbey, where a monument was erected to his memory. He had the reputation of a learned man, and a patron of learning. His “Reports in the King’s Bench and Common Pleas, in the reign of queen Elizabeth, and some few cases in the time of king James,” (which last could not have been his) were printed in folio, in 1656. Though there is a vacancy in the pages of this volume from 77 to 80 inclusive, the book is perfect. 1