Pomey, Francis
, a Jesuit, most known for his “Pantheum mythicum,” of which his French biographers assert that an “Englishman, named Tooke, gave a translation, prefixing his own name, without that of the author” and this book has gone through a vast number of editions. He died at Lyons, in 1673, at an advanced age. He had been employed as a teacher of youth in that city, and most of his works are formed for the use of students. They consist of, a large dictionary, since superseded by that of Joubert; a small one in 12mo, entitled “Flos Latinitatis;” “Indiculus universalis,” a kind of nomenclator colloquies; a treatise on particles and another on the funerals of the ancients with a work on rhetoric. Pomey was well versed in the Latin authors, but his publications would have been more valuable had he been more attentive to method and exactness. 3
Dict. Hit.