Rondelet, William
, a celebrated professor of physic at Montpellier, was born in that city, September 27, 1507. After having practised in various places of inferior note, he went to Paris, learned Greek there, and returning to his native city, practised physic with great credit. So ardent was M. de Uondelet’s application to anatomy, that he dissected one of his own children, which gained him the character of an unnatural father. He died at Realmont, in Albigeois, July 18, 1566. He is principally celebrated for his treatise on fishes, in Latin, 1554, 2 torn. fol. and 1558, fol. in French. Of his medical works there is a collection printed at Geneva, 1628, 8vo, but they are not equal to the high reputation their author had acquired. It is this physician whom Rabelais ridicules under the name of Rondibilis. His life may be found in Joubert’s works. 2
Eloy Dict. HibU de Medecine.—Haller, Bibl. Med. t Anatotn,