Chalmers’ Biographical Dictionary · S
- Saa, Emanuel (1530–1596)
- Saadi
- Saadias-Gaon (892–?)
- Saavedra
- Saavedra-Faxardo, Diego De (1584–1648)
- Sabatier, Peter (1682–1742)
- Sabatier, Raphael - Bienvenu (1732–1811)
- Sabbathier, Francis (1735–1807)
- Sabbatini, Andrea (1480–1513)
- Sabbatini, Lorenzo (1530–1577)
- Sabellicus (1436–1506)
- Sabellius
- Sabinus, George (1508–1560)
- Sacchetti, Francis (1335–?)
- Sacchi, Andrea (1601–1668)
- Sacchini, Anthony-Maria-Gaspar (1735–1786)
- Sacchini, Francis (1570–1625)
- Sacheverell, Henry (?–1724)
- Sackville, Thomas (1527–1566)
- Sackville, Charles (1637–1675)
- Sacrobosco
- Sacy
- Sadeel, Anthony (1534–?)
- Sadi (1175–?)
- Sadler, John (1615–1674)
- Sadler, Sir Ralph (1507–1587)
- Sadeler, John (1550–1570)
- Sadolet, James (1477–1547)
- Saemund, Sigfusson (1050–1133)
- Sage, Alain Rene' Le
- Sage, John (1652–1711)
- Sagittarius, Caspar (1643–1694)
- Sainctes, Claudius De (1525–1591)
- St, Aldegonde
- St. Amand, James
- St. Amant, Mark-Anthony-Gerard, Sieur De (1594–1661)
- St. Amour, William De (?–1272)
- Saint-Andre', Nathanael (?–1776)
- St, Evremond
- St. German, Christopher (?–1540)
- Saint-John, Henry (?–1708)
- St. Lambert, Charles Francis De (1717–?)
- Sainte-Marthe (1512–1550)
- St. Palaye, John Baptist De La Curne De (1697–1781)
- St. Pavin, Dennis Sanguin De (?–1670)
- St. Pierre, Charles Irene'E Castel De (1658–?)
- St. Real, Cæsar Vichard De
- St. Simon, Louis De Rouvroi, Duke Of (1675–?)
- Salden, William (1694–?)
- Sale, George (?–1736)
- Salian, James (1557–1640)
- Salisbury, John Of (1116–1182)
- Salisbury, William (?–1567)
- Salisbury
- Sallengre, Albert Henry De (1694–1723)
- Sallo, Denis De (1626–1669)
- Sallustius, Caius Crispus
- Salmasius, Claude (?–1640)
- Salmon, Francis (1677–?)
- Salmon, Nathaniel (?–1743)
- Salter, Samuel
- Salutato
- Salvator Rosa
- Salvian
- Salviati, Francisco Rossi (1510–1563)
- Salvini, Antonio Maria (1654–1751)
- Sambucus, John (1531–?)
- Sampson, Thomas (1517–?)
- Sanadon, Noel-Stephen (1676–?)
- Sanches, Antonio Nunps Ribeiro (1766–?)
- Sanchez, Francis (1523–1600)
- Sanchez, Gaspar (1553–1628)
- Sanchez, Peter Anthony (1740–1806)
- Sanchez, Roderico (1404–1470)
- Sanchez, Thomas Anthony (1730–1798)
- Sancho, Ignatius (1729–1780)
- Sanchoniathon
- Sancroft, Dr. William (1616–?)
- Sanctius
- Sanctorius (1561–1636)
- Sandby, Paul (1732–1809)
- Sandeman, Robert (1723–1771)
- Sanders, Nicholas (1527–1580)
- Sanders, Robert (1727–?)
- Sanders
- Sanderson, Dr. Robert (1587–1662)
- Sanderson, Robert (1660–1794)
- Sanderson
- Sanderus, Anthony (1586–1664)
- Sandford, Francis (1630–?)
- Sandini, Anthony (1692–?)
- Sandius, Christopher (1644–1680)
- Sandrart, Joachim (1606–?)
- Sandys, Edwin (1519–1588)
- Sandys, Sir Edwin (1561–1629)
- Sandys, George
- Sannazarius, James (1458–?)
- Sanson, Nicolas (1600–1667)
- Sansovino, Francis (1521–1586)
- Santeul, John Baptist (1630–1697)
- Santeul, Claude (1628–1684)
- Sanzio
- Sappho
- Sarasin, John Francis (1604–?)
- Saravia, Hadrian A (1531–1613)
- Sarbiewski, Matthias Casimir (1595–1640)
- Sarjeant, John (1621–1652)
- Sarnelli, Pompey (1649–1724)
- Sarpi, Paul (1552–?)
- Sarrau, Claude (?–1651)
- Sarti, Joseph (1730–?)
- Sarto, Andrea Del (1471–1520)
- Saumaise
- Saunders, Sir Edmund
- Saunderson, Nicolas (1682–?)
- Saurin, Elias (1639–?)
- Saurin, James (1677–1730)
- Saurin, Joseph (?–1737)
- Saussay, Andrew Du (1595–1675)
- Saussure, Horace Benedict De (1740–1799)
- Sauvages, Francis Boissier De (1706–?)
- Sauveur, Joseph (1653–?)
- Savage, Henry (1604–?)
- Savage, John (?–1747)
- Savage, Richard (1698–?)
- Savaron, John (?–1682)
- Savary, Francis (?–1627)
- Savary, James (1622–1690)
- Savary, Nicholas
- Savile, Sir George (?–1700)
- Savile, Sir Henry (1549–1592)
- Savonarola, Jerome (1452–?)
- Sawyer, Sir Robert (?–1692)
- Saxe, Maurice, Count Of (1696–1721)
- Saxi (1673–1756)
- Saxius, Christopher (1714–?)
- Saxo, Grammaticus (?–1208)
- Say, Samuel (1675–1743)
- Scævola
- Scala, Bartholomew (1424–1464)
- Scaliger, Juuus Caesar
- Scaliger, Joseph Justus (1540–1558)
- Scamozzi, Vincent (1550–1616)
- Scapula, John
- Scarborough, Sir Charles (1616–?)
- Scarron, Paul (1610–1660)
- Schaaf, Charles (1646–?)
- Schalken, Godfrey (1643–1706)
- Scheele, Charles William (1742–?)
- Scheffer, John (1621–1679)
- Scheiner, Christopher (1575–1650)
- Schelhammer, Gonthier Christopher (1649–1716)
- Scheuchzer, John James (1702–1737)
- Schiavoni, Andrea (1522–1582)
- Schiavonetti, Lewis (1765–1810)
- Schidoni (1560–1616)
- Schiller, Frederic (1759–1805)
- Schilter, John (1632–1651)
- Schmidt, Christopher (1740–1801)
- Schmidt, Erasmus (1560–1637)
- Schmidt, John Andrew (1652–1726)
- Schnebbelie, Jacob (1760–1792)
- Schoepflin, John Daniel (1694–1771)
- Schomberg, Alexander Crowcher (1756–1792)
- Schomberg, Frederic 'Duke Of (1608–1650)
- Schomberg, Isaac (?–1780)
- Schoner, John (1477–1547)
- Schonning, Gerrard (1722–1780)
- Schoockius, Martin (1614–1665)
- Schooten, Francis
- Schott, Andrew (1552–1629)
- Schott, Gaspar (1608–?)
- Schrevelius, Cornelius (1625–1667)
- Schultens, Albert
- Schultens, Henry Alp.Ert (1749–1773)
- Schultetus
- Schurman, Anna Maria A (1607–1623)
- Schurtzfleisch, Conrad Samuel (1641–1708)
- Schwartz, Bertholet
- Scioppius, Gaspar (1576–1649)
- Scopoli, John Anthony (1725–1788)
- Scott, David (1675–1741)
- Scott, Daniel (?–1774)
- Scott, George Lewis (?–1795)
- Scott, Dr. John (1638–1694)
- Scott, John (1730–1768)
- Scot, Michael
- Scot, Reynolde (?–1599)
- Scot (1423–1500)
- Scougal, Henry (1650–1678)
- Scribonius, Largus
- Scrimzeor, Henry (1506–?)
- Scriverius, Peter (1576–?)
- Scuderi, George De (1603–1667)
- Scuderi, Magdeleine De (1607–1701)
- Scultetus, Abraham (?–1582)
- Scultetus, John (1595–?)
- Scylax
- Scylitza, John (?–1081)
- Seba, Albert (?–1736)
- Sebastian
- Seckendorf, Virus Louis De (1626–1692)
- Secker, Thomas (1693–?)
- Secousse, Denis Francis (1691–1754)
- Secundus, John
- Sedaine, Michael John (1719–1797)
- Sedgwick, Odadiah (1600–1717)
- Sedley, Sir Charles (1639–1701)
- Sedulius, Cælius
- Seed, Jeremiah (?–1747)
- Segers, Gerard (589–?)
- Segni, Bernard (?–1559)
- Segrais, John Renaud De (1624–1701)
- Sejour
- Selden, John (1584–?)
- Selkirk, Alexander (1676–?)
- Senac, John (1724–1770)
- Senault, John Francis (1601–1672)
- Seneca, Lucius Annæus
- Sennertus, Daniel (1572–?)
- Septalius, Louis (1552–1633)
- Sepulveda, John Genes De (1491–1572)
- Serapion, John
- Serarius, Nicholas (1555–?)
- Serassi, Peter Anthony (1721–1791)
- Sergardi, Louis (?–1727)
- Serranus, Joannes (?–1598)
- Servandoni, John Nicholas (1695–1766)
- Servetus, Michael (1509–1553)
- Servin, Louis
- Servius, Maurus Honoratus
- Settal
- Settle, Elkanah (1648–1723)
- Severinus, Marcus Aurelius (1580–1656)
- Severus
- Severus, Publius Cornelius
- Sevigne', Mary De Rabutin, Lady De Chantal And Bourbilly, And Marchioness De (1626–1696)
- Seward, Anna (?–1739)
- Seward, William (1747–?)
- Sewell, George (?–1726)
- Sewell, William (1650–?)
- Sextius, Quintus
- Sextus Empiricus
- Seymour, Edward (?–1551)
- Shadwell, Thomas (1640–1747)
- Shaftesblwy
- Shakspeare, William (1564–?)
- Shakspeare (1607–1647)
- Sharp, Abraham (1651–?)
- Sharp, James (1618–?)
- Sharp, John (1644–1713)
- Sharp, Thomas (1693–1792)
- Sharp, Granville (1734–1813)
- Sharp, Samuel (?–1778)
- Sharpe, Gregory (1713–?)
- Sharroch, Robert (1649–1684)
- Shaw, Cuthbert (1738–1771)
- Shaw, George (1751–?)
- Shaw, Peter
- Shaw, Samuel (1635–1696)
- Shaw, Steering (1762–1800)
- Shaw, Thomas (1692–?)
- Shebbeare, John (1709–1788)
- Sheepshanks, William (1740–1810)
- Sheffield, John (1649–1742)
- Sheldon, Gilbert (1593–1677)
- Shenstone, William (1714–1745)
- Shepreve, John (1509–1542)
- Sherard, William (1659–1722)
- Sherburne, Sir Edward (1618–1640)
- Sheridan, Thomas (1684–1738)
- Sheridan, Thomas (1721–1788)
- Sherlock, Richard (1613–1689)
- Sherlock, Dr. William (1641–1707)
- Sherlock, Thomas (1678–1747)
- Shipley, Jonathan (1714–?)
- Shirley, Anthony (1565–1581)
- Shirley, James (1594–?)
- Shirley, Thomas (1638–?)
- Short, James (1710–1768)
- Short, Thomas (?–1762)
- Shovel, Sir Cloudesley (1650–?)
- Shower, John (1657–?)
- Shower, Sir Bartholomew (?–1701)
- Shuckford, Samuel (?–1754)
- Sibbald, Sir Robert (?–1712)
- Sibbs, Richard (1577–1635)
- Sibthorp, John (1758–?)
- Siculus
- Sidney, Algernon (1617–?)
- Sidney, Philip (1554–1586)
- Sidney, Mary (?–1601)
- Sidonius, Caius Sollius Apollinaris Modestus (430–487)
- Signorelli, Luca (1439–1521)
- Sigonius, Charles (1524–1585)
- Silhouette, Stephen De (1709–1767)
- Silius Italicus, Caius
- Silvester Ii., Pope (?–999)
- Silvestre, Israel (1621–1680)
- Simeon Of Durham
- Simeon, Metaphrasfes (?–976)
- Simler, Josias (1530–1557)
- Simmons, Samuel Foart (1750–?)
- Simmons
- Simon, Richard (1638–1712)
- Simonides (558–?)
- Simplicius
- Simpson, Edward (1573–1651)
- Simpson, Thomas (1710–1782)
- Simson, Robert (1687–1696)
- Sinclare, George (?–1696)
- Singe
- Siri, Victor (1613–1683)
- Sirmond, James (1559–1651)
- Sixtus Iv. (1413–?)
- Sixtus V., Pope (1521–?)
- Skelton, John
- Skelton, Philip (1707–1787)
- Skinner, Stephen (1622–?)
- Slater, William (1587–?)
- Sleidan, John (1506–1556)
- Slingeland, John Peter Van (1640–1691)
- Sloane, Sir Hans (1660–1752)
- Sluse, Rene' Francis Walter (1620–1683)
- Smalbroke, Richard (1672–1805)
- Smalridge, George (1663–1729)
- Smart, Christopher (1722–?)
- Smeaton, John (1724–?)
- Smellie, William (?–1763)
- Smellie, William (1740–1799)
- Smeton, Thomas (1536–1583)
- Smiglecius, Martin (1562–1618)
- Smith, Adam (1723–1788)
- Smith, Chaules (?–1761)
- Smith, Charlotte (1749–?)
- Smith, Edmund (1668–1710)
- Smith, Edward (1665–1720)
- Smith, George (1714–1764)
- Smith, Henry (1550–1600)
- Smith, James
- Smith, John
- Smith, John (?–1631)
- Smith, John (1563–1616)
- Smith, John (1659–1725)
- Smith, Joseph (1670–1737)
- Smith, John (1618–1652)
- Smith, John
- Smith, Miles (1568–?)
- Smith, Richard (1500–1563)
- Smith, Richard (1566–1655)
- Smith, Richard (1590–1675)
- Smith, Robert (1689–1768)
- Smith, Samuel
- Smith, Sir Thomas (1514–1577)
- Smith, Thomas (1638–1710)
- Smith, William
- Smith, William
- Smith, William (1711–1726)
- Smollett, To Bias (1721–?)
- Smyth
- Snape, Andrew (1683–1731)
- Snell, Rodolph (1547–1613)
- Snell, Willebrod (1591–1626)
- Snorro, Sturlesonius
- Snydehs, Krancis (1579–1657)
- Soanen, John (1647–?)
- Socinus, Lælius (1525–1562)
- Socinus, Faustus (1539–1604)
- Socrates (469–?)
- Socrates
- Solander, Daniel Charles (1736–?)
- Sole, Antonio Maria Dal (1597–1677)
- Solignac, Peter Joseph De La Pimpie, Chevalier Of (?–1773)
- Solimene, Francis (1657–1747)
- Solinus, Caius Julius
- Solis, Antonio De (1610–1686)
- Solomon, Ben Job Jalla
- Solon
- Somers, John Lord (1650–1681)
- Somervile, William (1692–1743)
- Somner, William (1606–1669)
- Sophocles (500–?)
- Sorbait, Paul (?–1691)
- Sorbiere, Samuel (1615–?)
- Sorbonne, Robert De (1201–1274)
- Sosigenes
- Soto, Dominic (1494–1560)
- Soto, Peter (?–1563)
- Sotwell
- Souchai, Jean Baptiste (?–1746)
- Soufflot, James Germain (1713–1780)
- South, Robert (1633–?)
- Southern, Thomas (1659–1746)
- Southgate, Richard (1729–1795)
- Southwell, Robert (1560–?)
- Southwell
- Souza
- Sozomen, Hermias
- Spagnoletto, Joseph Ftibera (1589–?)
- Spagnolo
- Spallanzani, Lazarus (1729–1798)
- Spanheim, Frederic (1600–1620)
- Spanheim, Ezekiel (1625–?)
- Spanheim, Frederic (1632–1701)
- Spark, Thomas (1655–?)
- Sparke, Thomas (1548–1616)
- Sparrow, Anthony (1643–1685)
- Spartianus
- Speed, John (1555–1629)
- Spelman, Sir Henry (1562–1641)
- Spelman, Clement (?–1679)
- Spence, Joseph (1698–?)
- Spencer, John (?–1695)
- Spener, Philip James (?–1730)
- Spenser, Edmund (1553–1599)
- Speroni, Sperone (1500–1588)
- Spigelius, Adrian (1578–1625)
- Spinckes, Nathaniel (1653–1727)
- Spinello, Aretino (1328–1420)
- Spinello, Paris
- Spinoza, Benedict De (1633–?)
- Spizklius, Theophilus (1639–1691)
- Spon, Charles (1609–?)
- Spon, James (1647–1686)
- Spondanus, John (1583–1595)
- Spondanus, Henry (1568–1643)
- Spotswood, John (1565–1639)
- Sprangher, Bartholomew (1546–1623)
- Sprat, Thomas (1636–1713)
- Squire, Samuel (1714–?)
- Staal, Madame De (?–1750)
- Stackhouse, Thomas (1680–1752)
- Stahl, George Ernest (1660–?)
- Stainer, Richard (?–1662)
- Stanbridge, John (1463–1525)
- Stanhope, George (1660–1730)
- Stanhope, James First Earl (1673–?)
- Stanhope, Pinup Dormer (1694–?)
- Stanley, Thomas (1625–?)
- Stanyhurst, Richard (1545–1618)
- Stapledon, Walter
- Stapleton, Sir Robert
- Stapleton, Thomas (1535–1598)
- Statius, Publics Papinius
- Staunford, Sir William (1509–1553)
- Staunton, Sir George Leonard
- Staveley, Thomas, Esq.
- Stearn
- Steele, Sir Richard (1671–1714)
- Steen, Ja.N (1636–1678)
- Steevens, Geokge (1736–1768)
- Steffani, Agostino (1655–?)
- Stella, James (1596–1647)
- Steno, Nicholas (?–1686)
- Stenwyck, Henry (1550–1603)
- Stenwyck, Henry (1589–?)
- Stephanus Of Byzantium
- Stephanus, Henry (1470–1520)
- Stephanus, Francis
- Stephanus, Robert (1503–1559)
- Stephanus, Charles (?–1564)
- Stephanus, Henry (1528–1598)
- Stephanus, Robert (1530–1571)
- Stephanus, Francis
- Stephanus, Robert (?–1629)
- Stephanus, Paul (1566–1629)
- Stephens, Anthony (1594–1661)
- Stephens, Jeremy (1592–1665)
- Stephens, Robert, Esq. (?–1732)
- Stepney, George (1663–1707)
- Sterne, John (1622–1669)
- Sterne, Richard (1596–?)
- Sterne, Laurence (1713–1768)
- Sternhold, Thomas (?–1549)
- Stesichorus (?–556)
- Stevens, William (1732–1753)
- Stevin, Simon (?–1633)
- Stewart-Den Ham, Sir Jamks (1713–?)
- Stewart, Matthew (1717–1735)
- Stifels, Michael (567–?)
- Still, John (1543–?)
- Stillingfleet, Edward (1635–1699)
- Stillingfleet, Benjamin (1702–1708)
- Stilpo
- Stobæus, John
- Stock, Christian (1672–1733)
- Stock, Richard (?–1666)
- Stockdale, Percival (1736–1811)
- Stoefler, John (1452–1531)
- Stone, Edmund (?–1768)
- Stonhouse, Sir James (1716–1747)
- Storer, Thomas
- Stork, Abraham (?–1708)
- Stow, John (?–1605)
- Strabo
- Strack, Charles (1722–1806)
- Strada, Famiamis (1572–1649)
- Strahan, William (1715–?)
- Strange, Sir John (1696–1705)
- Strange, Sir Robert (1721–?)
- Stratford, Nicholas (1633–1707)
- Strato
- Strauchius, Ægidius (1632–1682)
- Streater, Robert (1624–1680)
- Strein, Richard (1538–1601)
- Strigelius, Victorinus (1524–?)
- Strozzt, Titus And Hercules (1504–1565)
- Strutt, Joseph
- Struvius, George Adam (1619–1692)
- Struvius, Burcard Gotthelf (1671–1697)
- Strype, John (1643–1737)
- Stuart, Arabella
- Stuart, Gilbert (1742–?)
- Stuart, James (1713–?)
- Stubbe, Henry (1631–?)
- Stubbs, Geokge (1724–1806)
- Stubbs, John (1541–?)
- Stuckius, John-William (1695–?)
- Stukeley, William (1687–1774)
- Sturmius, James (1489–1555)
- Sturmius, John (1507–1589)
- Sturmius, John Christopher (1635–1703)
- Sturmius, Leonard Christopher (1669–1719)
- Sturt, John (1658–1730)
- Style, William (1603–1679)
- Suarez, Francis (1548–1617)
- Suckling, Sir John (1609–1641)
- Suetonius, Caius Suetonius Tranquillus
- Sueur, Eustache Le (1617–1655)
- Suger (1082–?)
- Suicer, John Gaspard (1619–1705)
- Suidas (?–1075)
- Sully, Maximilian De Bethune, Duke Of (1559–1599)
- Sulpicia
- Sulpicius Severus, Surnamed The Christian Sallust
- Sulzer, John George (1720–1734)
- Sumorokof, Alexander (1727–?)
- Surenhusius, William
- Surita, Jerome (1512–1580)
- Surius, Laurentius (1522–1578)
- Sutcliffe, Matthew (?–162)
- Sutton, Richard
- Sutton, Thomas (1532–1562)
- Suworrow (1730–?)
- Suze, Countess
- Swammerdam, John (1637–1680)
- Swanevelt, Herman (1620–1680)
- Swedenborg, Emanuel (?–1772)
- Swert, Francis (1567–1629)
- Swieten
- Swift, Jonathan (1667–1699)
- Swift, Deane (?–1783)
- Swinburne, Henry
- Swinburne, Henry (?–1803)
- Swinton, John (1703–?)
- Sybrecht, John (1630–1703)
- Sydenham, Floyer (1710–1787)
- Sydenham, Thomas (1624–1689)
- Sykes, Arthur Ashley (1684–1763)
- Sylburgius, Frederic (1546–1596)
- Sylvester, Joshua (1563–?)
- Sylvestre
- Sylvius, James (1478–1555)
- Symmachus, Quintus Aurelius
- Synesius
- Synge, Edward (1659–1741)
- Syrus Publius
