Chalmers’ Biographical Dictionary · W
- Wace, Robert
- Wadding, Luke (1588–1657)
- Wadham, Nicholas (?–1618)
- Wadsworth, Thomas (1630–?)
- Wagenaar, John (1709–1773)
- Wagenseil, John Christopher (1633–1706)
- Wagstaffe, Thomas (1645–1712)
- Wagstaffe, William (1685–?)
- Wake, Isaac (?–1632)
- Wake, William (1657–1718)
- Wakefield, Gilbert (1756–1806)
- Wakefield, Robert (?–1537)
- Walæus, Anthony (1573–1649)
- Waldensis, Thomas (1367–?)
- Waldo, Peter (?–1179)
- Wales, William (1734–?)
- Walker, Clement (?–1651)
- Walker, Sir Edward
- Walker, George (1581–1651)
- Walker, George
- Walker, George (1735–?)
- Walker, John (1732–?)
- Walker, Obadiah (1615–1699)
- Wall, John (1708–1776)
- Wall, William (1646–1728)
- Wallace, Sir William
- Wallaeus
- Waller, Edmund (?–1687)
- Waller, Sir William (1597–1668)
- Wallis, John (1616–1703)
- Wallis, John (1714–1793)
- Walmesley, Charles (?–1721)
- Walpole, Sir Robert (1676–1698)
- Walpole, Horace (1718–1797)
- Walsh, Peter (?–1687)
- Walsh, William (1663–1708)
- Walsingham, Sir Francis (1536–1590)
- Walsingham, Thomas
- Walstein, Albert (1584–1634)
- Walton, Brian (1600–1640)
- Walton, George (?–1740)
- Walton, Isaac (1593–1640)
- Wandesforde, Christopher, Viscount Castlecomer (1592–1640)
- Wanley, Humphrey (1671–1726)
- Wansleb, John Michael (1635–1679)
- Warburton, John (1681–1759)
- Warburton, William (1698–1706)
- Ward, Edward (1667–1731)
- Ward, John (1679–1697)
- Ward, Samuel
- Ward, Seth (?–1689)
- Ward, Thomas
- Ware, James (1594–1632)
- Wargentin, Peter (1717–1783)
- Warham, William
- Waring, Edward (1734–1798)
- Warner, Ferdinando (1703–1768)
- Warner, John (1585–?)
- Warner, Joseph (1717–1801)
- Warner, Richard (1711–?)
- Warner, William
- Warton, Thomas (1728–1746)
- Warton, Joseph (1722–1800)
- Warwick, Sir Philip (1608–1667)
- Wase, Christopher (1645–1690)
- Washington, George (1732–1799)
- Wasse, Joseph (1672–?)
- Waterhouse, Edward (1619–1670)
- Waterland, Daniel (1683–?)
- Watson, David (1710–1756)
- Watson, Henry (1737–?)
- Watson, James (?–1722)
- Watson, James (1746–?)
- Watson, John (1724–1783)
- Watson, Richard (1737–?)
- Watson, Robert (1730–1780)
- Watson, Thomas (?–1591)
- Watson, Thomas
- Watson, Sir William (1715–1779)
- Watt, Joachim.
- Watteau, Anthony (1684–1721)
- Watts, Isaac (1674–?)
- Watts, William (?–1649)
- Waynflete, William Of (?–1447)
- Weaver
- Webb, Philip Carteret (1700–1770)
- Webbe, George (1581–1641)
- Webber, John (1751–1793)
- Webster, William (1689–1758)
- Wechel, Christian
- Wechel, Andrew (?–1581)
- Wedderbuhn, Alexander (1733–?)
- Wedgwood, Josiah (1730–?)
- Weever, John (1576–?)
- Weisse, Christian Felix (1726–1804)
- Welchman, Edward (1665–1739)
- Wells, Edward (?–1727)
- Wells, Samuel (1637–?)
- Welserus
- Welsted, Leonard (1689–1724)
- Welwood, James (1652–1716)
- Wentworth, Thomas, Earl Of Strafford (1593–?)
- Wentworth, Thomas (1567–1627)
- Wepfer, John James (1620–1647)
- Werenfels, Samuel (1627–1655)
- Wesley, Samuel (1662–1735)
- Wesley, Samuel, The Younger (1692–1743)
- Wesley, John (1703–1788)
- Wesselus, John (1419–?)
- West, Gilbert (?–1716)
- West, James (1703–1772)
- West, Richard (?–1726)
- West, Thomas (?–1779)
- Westfield, Thomas (?–1644)
- Weston, Elizabeth Jane
- Weston, Stephen (1665–1742)
- Wetenhall, Edward (1636–1713)
- Wetstein, John James (1693–1754)
- Wetstein, John Rodolph (1647–1711)
- Whalley, Peter (1722–?)
- Wharton, Thomas, Marquis Of Wharton (1640–1715)
- Wharton, Philip, Duke Of (1699–1726)
- Wharton, Sir George (1617–1681)
- Wharton, Henry (1664–1694)
- Wharton, Thomas (?–1673)
- Whately, William (1583–1639)
- Wheare, Degory (1573–1647)
- Wheatley, Charles (1686–1742)
- Wheatley, Francis (1747–1801)
- Wheelocke, Abraham (1593–1653)
- Wheler, Sir George (1650–1703)
- Whethamstede, John (1360–1464)
- Whetstone, George
- Whichcote, Benjamin (1609–1683)
- Whiston, William (1667–1752)
- Whitaker, John (1735–1808)
- Whitaker, William (1547–1595)
- Whitby, Daniel (1638–1726)
- White, Gilbert (1720–1793)
- White, Henry Kirke (1785–1806)
- White, John (1511–1560)
- White, John (1590–1644)
- White, John (1574–1648)
- White, Joseph (1746–1814)
- White, Richard (1540–1612)
- White, Robert
- White, Robert (1645–1704)
- White, Sir Thomas (1492–1566)
- White, Thomas (1546–1623)
- White, Thomas (1582–1676)
- White
- Whitefield, George (1714–?)
- Whitehead, David (1505–1564)
- Whitehead, George (1636–1722)
- Whitehead, John (?–1804)
- Whitehead, Paul (1709–?)
- Whitehead, William (1715–1785)
- Whitehurst, John
- Whitelocke, James (1570–1632)
- Whitelocke, Bulstrode (1605–1676)
- Whitgift, John (1530–1602)
- Whittingham, William (1524–1560)
- Whittington, Robert (1480–?)
- Whitworth, Charles, Lord
- Whytt, Robert (1714–1764)
- Wickham
- Wickliffe (1324–1384)
- Wicquefort, Abraham De (1598–1682)
- Widdrington, Sir Thomas (?–1649)
- Widmanstadius
- Wieland, Christopher Martin (1733–1813)
- Wier, John (1515–1588)
- Wigand, John (1523–1587)
- Wilcocks, Joseph (1673–1791)
- Wild, Henry (1684–1734)
- Wild, Robert (1609–1679)
- Wildbore, Charles (1717–1802)
- Wilde, John (1590–1647)
- Wilkes, John (1727–1779)
- Wilkes, Richard (1690–1756)
- Wilkie, William (1721–1772)
- Wilkins, David (1685–1745)
- Wilkins, John (1614–1672)
- Wilkinson, Henry (1566–1647)
- Wilkinson, Henry (1609–1675)
- Wilkinson, Henry (1616–1690)
- Wilkinson, John (?–1649)
- Willan, Robert (1757–1812)
- Willet, Andrew (1562–1621)
- William
- William
- Williams, Anna (1706–1775)
- Williams, Charles Hanbury (1709–1734)
- Williams, Daniel (1644–1691)
- Williams, David (1738–1816)
- Williams, Griffith (1589–1672)
- Williams, John (1582–1650)
- Williams, John (1634–1709)
- Williams, Roger (1660–1725)
- Williamson, Sir Joseph (?–1701)
- Willis, Thomas (1621–1670)
- Willis, Browne (1682–1724)
- Willughby, Francis (1635–1672)
- Willymot, William (?–1737)
- Wilmot, John, Earl Of Rochester (1647–?)
- Wilmot, John Eardley (1709–1792)
- Wilmot, John Eardley (1748–1815)
- Wilson, Arthur (1596–1652)
- Wilson, Bernard (1689–1772)
- Wilson, Florence (?–1547)
- Wilson, Richard (1714–1782)
- Wilson, Thomas (?–1581)
- Wilson, Thomas (?–1621)
- Wilson, Thomas (1663–1755)
- Wilson, Thomas (?–1791)
- Winchelsea, Anne
- Winchester, Thomas
- Winder, Henry (1693–?)
- Windham, Joseph (1739–?)
- Windham, William (1750–?)
- Windham
- Wilfrid
- Wingate, Edmund (1593–1656)
- Winkelman, Abbe John (1718–?)
- Winslow, James Benignus (1669–1760)
- Winstanley, William
- Winston, Thomas (1575–?)
- Winterton, Ralph (?–1636)
- Wintle, Thomas (1737–?)
- Winton
- Wintringham, Clifton (1710–1748)
- Winwood, Sir Ralph (1565–1617)
- Wirley
- Wirz, John (1640–1709)
- Wise, Francis (1695–?)
- Wishart, George
- Wishart, George (1609–1671)
- Wissing, William (1656–?)
- Witchell, George (1728–1785)
- Wither, George (1588–1667)
- Withering, William (1741–1799)
- Witherspoon, John (1722–1794)
- Witsius, Herman (1636–1708)
- Witt
- Witte De
- Witte (1634–1696)
- Wodhull, Michael (1740–?)
- Wodrow, Robert (1679–1734)
- Woide, Charles Godfrey
- Wolfe, Christian (1679–1754)
- Wolfe, Major- General James (1726–?)
- Wolfe, John (1537–?)
- Wolfe, John Christopher (1683–1739)
- Wollaston, William (1659–1720)
- Wolsey, Thomas (1471–1530)
- Womock, Lawrence (1612–1685)
- Wood, Anthony (1632–1695)
- Wood, Robert (1716–1771)
- Woodfohd, Samuel (1636–1700)
- Woodhead, Abraham (1608–1678)
- Woodward, John (1665–1728)
- Woollett, William (1735–1785)
- Woolston, Thomas (1669–?)
- Woolton, John (1535–1594)
- Worcester, William
- Worlidge, Thomas (1700–1766)
- Wormius, Olaus (1588–1654)
- Worthington, Dr. John (1617–1671)
- Worthington, William (1703–1778)
- Wotton, Anthony (1561–1626)
- Wotton, Edward (1492–1555)
- Wotton, Sir Henry (1568–1639)
- Wotton, Nicholas (1497–1566)
- Wotton, William (1666–1726)
- Wouvermans, Philip (1620–1688)
- Wray, Daniel (1701–1783)
- Wren, Matthew (1585–1667)
- Wren, Matthew (1629–1672)
- Wren, Christopher (1632–1684)
- Wright, Abraham (1644–1690)
- Wright, Edward (?–1615)
- Wright, Joseph (1734–1797)
- Wright, Nathan (?–1721)
- Wright, Samuel (1682–1746)
- Wyatt, James (1743–1813)
- Wyat, Sir Thomas (1503–1533)
- Wycherley, William (1640–1715)
- Wydeville, Anthony, Earl Rivers (1442–1483)
- Wykeham, William (1324–1366)
- Wyndham, Sir William (1687–1740)
- Wynne, Edward (1734–1784)
- Wynne, John Huddlestone (1743–1799)
- Wynton, Andrew
- Wyrley, William