Watson, David
, known chiefly as a translator of Horace, was born at Brechin in Scotland, 1710, and educated in St. Leonard’s college, St. Andrew’s, where he took his degrees, and was appointed professor of philosophy. When the college of St. Leonard was united by act of parliament to that of St. Salvador, 1747, he came to London, and completed his translation of Horace, 2 vols. 8vo, with notes, &c. which is in great esteem. But his dissipated life brought him into many wants, and he was frequently destitute of the common necessaries of life. In his latter years he taught the classics to private gentlemen; but his love of pleasure plunged him into new difficulties; and he sunk beneath his character as a scholar. He died in great want near London, 1756, in the forty-sixth year of his age, and was buried at the expence of the parish. Besides his translation of Horace, he wrote “The History of the Heathen Gods and Goddesses.” 2
Preceding edition of this Dict.