, or Accompt, in Arithmetic, &c, a calculation or computation of the number or order of certain things; as the computation of time, &c.
There are various ways of accounting; as, by enumeration, or telling one by one; or by the rules of arithmetic, addition, subtraction, &c.
Account, in Chronology, is nearly synonymous with style. Thus, we say the English, the foreign, the Julian, the Gregorian, the Old, or the New account, or style.
We account time by years, months, &c; the Greeks accounted it by olympiads; the Romans, by indictions, lustres, &c.
Acherner, or Acharner, in Astronomy, a star of the first magnitude in the southern extremity of the constellation Eridanus, marked a by Bayer. Its longitude for 1761, 11° 55′ 1″; and latitude south 59° 22′ 4″.