, in Chronology, is used for a century, being a system or a period of a hundred years.

Chronologists also divide the time since the creation of the world into three ages: The first, from Adam till Moses, which they call the age of nature; the second from Moses to Jesus Christ, called the age of the law; and the third, or age of grace, from Jesus Christ till the end of the world.

Age of the Moon, in Astronomy, is the number of days elapsed since the last new moon. To find the moon's age, for any time nearly, for ordinary uses; add together the epact, the day of the current month, and the number of months from March to the present month inclusive; the sum is the moon's age: but if the sum exceed 29, deduct 29 from it in months that have 30 days, or 30 in those that have 31; and the remainder will be the age.—At the end of 19 years the moon's age returns upon the same day of the month, but falls a little short of the same hour of the day.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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AGUILON (Francis)