BAKER (Thomas)

, a mathematician of some eminence, was born at Ilton in Somersetshire, in 1625. He entered upon his studies at Oxford in 1640, where he remained seven years. He was afterwards appointed vicar of Bishop's-Nymmet in Devonshire, where he lived a studious and retired life for many years, chiefly pursuing the mathematical sciences; of which he gave a proof of his critical knowledge, in the book he published, concerning the general construction of biquadratic equations, by a parabola and a circle; the title of which book at full length is, “The Geometrical Key; or the Gate of Equations unlocked: or a new discovery of the Construction of all Equations, howsoever affected, not exceeding the 4th degree, viz, of Linears, Quadratics, Cubics, Biquadratics, and the finding of all their Roots, as well False as True, without the use of Mesolabe, Trisection of Angles, without Reduction, Depression, or any other previous preparations of equations by a circle, and any (and that one only) Parabole, &c.”: 1684, 4to, in English and Latin.

There is some account of this work in the Philos. Trans. an. 1684. And a little before his death, the Royal Society sent him some mathematical queries; to which he returned such satisfactory answers, as procured the present of a medal, with an inscription full of honour and respect.—Mr. Baker died at Bishop'sNymmet, 1690, in the 65th year of his age.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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BACON (Francis)
BAILLY (Jean Sylvain)
* BAKER (Thomas)
BAKER (Henry)