BELIDOR (Bernard Forest de)

, an engineer in the service of France, but born in Catalonia in 1698. He was professor in the new school of artillery at la Fere, where he published his course of mathematics for the use of the artillery and engineers. He was the first who seriously considered the quantity of gunpowder proper for charges, and reduced it to 2-3ds the quantity. He was named Associate in the Academy of Sciences in 1751; and died Sept. 8, 1761, at 63 years of age.

His works that have been published, are:

1. Sommaire d'un Cours d'Architecture militaire, civile & hydraulique, in 12mo, 1720.

2. Nouveau Cours de Mathematiques, &c. in 4to, 1725.

3. La Science des Ingénieurs, in 4to, 1729.

4. Le Bombardier Francois, in 4to, 1734.

5. Architecture Hydraulique, 4 vols. in 4to, 1737.

6. Dictionnaire portatif de l'Ingénieur, in 8vo.

7. Traité des Fortifications, 4 vols. in 4to.

Besides several pieces inserted in the volumes of the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences, for the years 1737, 1750, 1753, and 1756.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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* BELIDOR (Bernard Forest de)