BERNARD (Dr. James)

, professor of philosophy and mathematics, and minister of the Walloon church at Ley den, was born September the 1st 1658, at Nions in Dauphine. Having studied at Geneva, he returned to France in 1679, and was chosen minister of Venterol, a village in Dauphine; but some time after he was removed to the church of Vinsobres in the same province. To avoid the persecutions against the protestants in France, he went into Holland, where he was appointed one of the pensionary ministers of Ganda. He here published several political and historical works. And in 1699 he began the Nouvelles de la Republique des Lettres, which continued till December 1710. In 1705 he was chosen minister of the Walloon church at Leyden; and about the same time, Mr. de Volder, professor of philosophy and mathematics at Leyden, having resigned, Mr. Bernard was appointed his successor; upon which occasion the university also presented him with the degrees of doctor of philosophy and master of arts. In 1716 he published a supplement to Moreri's dictionary in 2 volumes folio. The same year he resumed his Nouvelles de la Republique des Lettres; which he continued till his death, which happened the 27th of April 1718, in the 60th year of his age.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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BERNARD (Dr. Edward)
* BERNARD (Dr. James)
BEZOUT (Stephen)