BOFFRAND (Germain)
, a celebrated French architect and engineer, was born at Nantes in Bretagne in 1667. He was brought up under Harduin Mansarad, who trusted him with conducting his greatest works. Boffrand was admitted into the French Academy of Architecture in 1709. Many German princes chose him for their architect, and raised considerable edifices on his plans. His manner of building approached that of Palladio; and there was much of grandeur in all his designs. As engineer and inspectorgeneral of bridges and highways, he directed and constructed a number of canals, sluices, bridges, and other mechanical works. He published a curious and useful book, containing the general principles of his art; with an account of the plans, profiles, and elevations of the principal works, which he executed in France and other countries. Boffrand died at Paris in 1755, dean of the Academy of Architecture, first engineer and inspectorgeneral of the bridges and highways, architect and administrator of the general hospital.